View Full Version : Big Brother - Love it / Hate it?

6th July 2005, 01:54 PM
I hated Big Brother the first time around and now with 30+ hours a week of it how can anyone stand it. I understand there are those who may find it useful for a quick hand shandy when the uncut version is on (not for me though) but apart from that it serves as much purpose as a self regulating religion !!

I like some reality TV shows but this is just a peak into the lives of losers with nothing better to do but draw the dole and hang out in a crap house on the gold coast.

So have a vote and let us know how you feel about Big Brother....


6th July 2005, 02:28 PM
You forgot the option "I'm aware of the existence of it but have never watched it, so couldn't say, but it sounds like crap".

OK, so I voted It's crap - I don't like it. Just based on the ads and the sort of people that I know like it :D

6th July 2005, 02:38 PM
Ms. Grunt watches it so when she goes to work/school she can talk about it.

I'm grateful that I have wireless internet access so I can continue with intelligent and informed discussions with fellow woodworkers while spending 'quality' time with the missus. At least I sit in the same room as her while she watches that complete drivel.

Ms. Grunt is a very intelligent individual but when it comes to TV she hasn't got a discerning bone in her body.

6th July 2005, 02:41 PM
'fraid I'm not a spectator at all.:D :D :D :D
Much more fun to be a performer :p :p :p :p

6th July 2005, 02:50 PM
You forgot the option "I'm aware of the existence of it but have never watched it, so couldn't say, but it sounds like crap".

Yep that's the option I'd have voted for too. :)

6th July 2005, 02:52 PM
I accidentally watched about 2 minutews of it once, makes Daze of our Wives etc look like Oscar material.
What I am trying to say is I am not partial to it, and to quote a publisher whose name eludes me at the moment, I do not have to eat a whole egg to know it is rotten.
Might I add that anyone who watches this should be shot with a ball of there own s**t.
That is my opinion only before I start a Shyte Fyte.

6th July 2005, 02:58 PM
The only good thing thing that Big Brother has done is to make indentifing idiots easier.

Try this next time you are in a room full of peolpe.

"Hands up who watches Big Brother"
Any one with their hand up is an idiot, simple yet effective.

P.S. all the people with their hand up, you can lower it now.http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif

6th July 2005, 03:02 PM
different strokes for differnet folks - the preceding posts all make reference to your own versions of hand shuffling. if you dont like it dont watch it. its no worse that any of the other stuff on the teev. since when have titties made bad viewing ???

6th July 2005, 03:08 PM
Just based on the ads and the sort of people that I know like it
You know I'm right :p

6th July 2005, 03:26 PM
since when have titties made bad viewing ???
Black hairy ones or what?????
Notice you didn't vote either.....

6th July 2005, 03:34 PM
its no worse that any of the other stuff on the teev


:cool: :cool: :cool:

6th July 2005, 03:54 PM
if you dont like it dont watch it.
its no worse that any of the other stuff on the teev
Both points are very true Zed.

To tell you the truth its not the show that annoys me its all the hype that goes along with it. As you suggest I just don't watch it, but the end less ads, bill boards, radio interviews are hard to avoid.

6th July 2005, 07:44 PM
Its all a heap of steaming crap.

I have a life of my own, I dont need to watch someone elses.

Al ( no smilie here )

Bob Willson
6th July 2005, 07:53 PM

6th July 2005, 07:55 PM
Its all a heap of steaming crap.

I have a life of my own, I dont need to watch someone elses.

Al ( no smilie here )

Could we come and watch yours then ?? :eek:

6th July 2005, 07:56 PM
Like Iain, I inadvertently watched it for a couple of minutes the other night. My daughter - in most respects an intelligent and discerning person - had tuned in.

It's crap!

However, nobody is forcing me to watch it and if it's popular with other people, well - it's their own time they're wasting.

6th July 2005, 08:00 PM
Be my guest.
What are you like at getting up at 5.30 am??
And slopping around in mud all day??

Al :D

6th July 2005, 08:06 PM
Be my guest.
What are you like at getting up at 5.30 am??
And slopping around in mud all day??


Now, now Al, there is no need to bring your sex life into this.

6th July 2005, 08:07 PM
hmmmm , a star slopping round in mud all day, sounds like a winner oz

6th July 2005, 08:17 PM
hmmmm , a star slopping round in mud all day, sounds like a winner oz
No its sounds like big brother without the mud.......

6th July 2005, 08:19 PM
The next version is going to star Michael Jackson and will be called 'Little Brother' :rolleyes:

6th July 2005, 08:34 PM

Big Brother.................what an abomination!!! how bored are the people who watch this mindless eyeslop that leads to the zombification of the good old Aussie brain!!!!......................No way is this stuff gonna get free rent space in my head!!!

There've done studdies on how this kinda TV viewing affects people n you may as well shove ya head in a microwave oven and turn it on HIGH!!!............n worse its addictive too!!! its easier for heroin addicts to get off their drugs than for those addicted to big brother to miss an episode!!!!

............I haven't been so disturbed by all the WhooooooHaaaaa
since Al posted half naked pics of himself wrapped in Foil!!!!

Big Brother.....................................should be banned!!!

I wear a foilie so that I'm not affected!!!

REgards Lou

6th July 2005, 08:42 PM
............I haven't been so disturbed by all the WhooooooHaaaaa
since Al posted half naked pics of himself wrapped in Foil!!!!

Lou, I think you were disturbed long before you saw the lovely curves of my manly body, go on, admit it, you liked what you saw....http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/tweetz/scared.gif

Al :D

Kev Y.
6th July 2005, 08:48 PM
I voted "Absolute crap", However I have seen several "episodes" (thanks to my daughter) and as far as I can see it is an attempt by the TV stations to introduce kids to soft pron and bad languge.

I am totally amazed at how fast "young adults" degenerate into slovenly louts when they are herded together in a confined space with copious amounts of booze!

6th July 2005, 09:33 PM
Big brother so bad it's not even worthy of being the subject of a ubeaut poll.

6th July 2005, 09:42 PM
Hey Al,

Didn't you recently put CCTV into the Craporium?

I'm sure one of the nerds on this board could figure out a way to connect them to the internet.

;) :D :D

Maybe we'd get lucky and see somebody taking a leak by the rubbish skip. :eek: :D

6th July 2005, 10:11 PM
Big Brother.....................................should be banned!!!

Yes it should, after all they have banned every other mind numbing intoxicant, other than ch3 something or other

6th July 2005, 10:51 PM
Hey Al,

Didn't you recently put CCTV into the Craporium?

I'm sure one of the nerds on this board could figure out a way to connect them to the internet.

Maybe we'd get lucky and see somebody taking a leak by the rubbish skip.

It's a special kind of WebCam called CrapCam.

7th July 2005, 02:28 AM
One may wonder how come all of these eloquent dissenters know so much about the programme. Do we have a closet full that won't admit they watch it??? :eek:

7th July 2005, 09:10 AM
Its all for the modern day mobile phone type kiddies "get your BB ring tones now... only $5.95 a day"(sucka sheep... Baa)
Its a wonder they havent managed to fit some aussie rules football in it yet... gets in everywhere else... McQuires BB!

7th July 2005, 09:18 AM
What are you like at getting up at 5.30 am??
And slopping around in mud all day??

Al :D
Sounds like a normal winter weekend equestrian event to me...............

7th July 2005, 09:43 AM
Yes it should, after all they have banned every other mind numbing intoxicant, other than ch3 something or other

Not quite. They haven't banned A Current Affair, Today Tonight, Commercial News, Police Shows, Hospital Shows, Soap Operas, Oprah, Desperate Housewives, Jerry Springer ad nauseaum!!! In other words all the other mind numbing soma that we rate so highly on our televisions

Without Apology!!! I actually dont mind watching a little bit of big brother - I find it completely harmless (although I havent watched the late shows which everyone is whinging about). I know if I sit down to watch a half hour of BB, that I am not going to see someone murdered, someone raped, a hospital burn down, a sister having sex with her transvestite brother, some staged interview about how many sole parents are stealing our tax dollars, 18 minutes of pretend world news etc (which reminds me, if we australians think we are so worldly why does SBS news rate so poorly?).

And - thinking out loud, I suspect that some of my other viewing habits suggest that maybe I do enjoy mind numbing blecccchhhhhh - you know, Fat Pizza, John Saffron, Enough Rope, Rugby Union tests (they should all be free to air!!!) and so on.

Anyway, at the end of the day, I dont really see the problem with reality TV in general given the tripe that we are served up otherwise. Of course, it goes with out saying that no TV at all is the best antidote of all!!


7th July 2005, 10:50 AM
Of course, it goes with out saying that no TV at all is the best antidote of all!!

Thead Hyjack!

Yep I can agree with that... I watch DVD's or play the Xbox instead(just like TV... only interactive!)
A lot of people dont like video games, but a lot of games now are a lot like watching a movie except you can control it, the last one I played fully is called Jade Empire it takes over 12.5 hrs to complete... and thats if you know the game. Took me several weeks, its much like an old choose your own adventure book you go where you please do as you want you can be a bad guy or a good guy or both even, the story twists and turns like a good book as it is based on a multitude/mixture of Chinese legends.
SWMBO sat and watched near the whole game sitting on the edge of the seat in suspense and egging me on to see what happens next!

7th July 2005, 01:17 PM
I heard on the radio this morning that the ratings for BB un-cut have jumped 30-40% since school holidays began, and the TV ombudsman whose name escapes me is thinking of taking it off of the air until it can investigate complaints it has received.


7th July 2005, 01:59 PM
I am totally amazed at how fast "young adults" degenerate into slovenly louts when they are herded together in a confined space with copious amounts of booze!Come on Brudda didn't you share a flat/ house or have mates that did when you were 18 or so. and they wern't confined.
As for big brother not my personal choice had enough on a flight to tassie once and reggie was on the flight , didn't have a clue who they were talking about .
Still the plane had to fly up the Derwant so some school kids could spell "welcome home" on the river bank.This involved many tight turns manouvers etc and landed to water cannons press and fans every ware , huge in tassi , God it must be dull there no wonder so many wood turners/workers.
So the long and short was
one travel bag damaged beyond repair (replaced by the airline) one Golf Ball holder ( bifd'y pressie for brother in law) had to be rebuilt and glass in picture frame for sister smashed . These were in a second bag and didn't find them till we unpacked so no compensation

Still haven't watched BB and doubt that I will ever get that bored \ vegitied to ever watch it.

I don’t mind growing old, it sure beats the alternative.

7th July 2005, 08:22 PM
Nudity on Big Brother the subject of a segment on "A Current Affair".....obviously must be an issue of national importance if its on ACA!!!

7th July 2005, 10:21 PM

Do we have to have this discussion every year :confused: ?


8th July 2005, 10:48 AM

Do we have to have this discussion every year :confused: ?

So you'd be a "Have no life" voter?:rolleyes:

Bob Willson
8th July 2005, 11:02 AM
I see that four people have indicated that they have never heard of it and that they have no TV.

Do they also lack ears and eyes. It is impossible to not hear about this twaddle. The media love it as it gives them an excuse to be all self righteous when they publish the photos of naked men or women with a caption underneath asking; "Do We Really Want Our Children To Be Exposed To This Sort Of Thing?"

The children would not of course be exposed to this tripe if the papers and such like would just ignore it.

I have nothing against nudity or even sex on TV (I dislike coarse language at any time) but if that is what it is then label it as such instead of trying to sneak it under the door by calling it "Real Life" or some such.

8th July 2005, 08:48 PM
So you'd be a "Have no life" voter?:rolleyes:

No, It clashes with ABC news. I do have a life and like it; its too short to care about these things.
