View Full Version : Where do I go from here?

4th December 2014, 07:28 PM
All I have used is PolyU, which isn't good enough off the brush. While the reflections are very sharp, it always has small pinholes & ripples not matter what. But sanding & using something like eee ultra shine only looks reasonable on low angles & from a distance, but up close the reflections are fuzzy. I tried waxing. Looks bad. I want something with the wet sharp look of off the brush but perfect mirror flat from sanding & cutting. Does canned shellac after sanded & cut have the same problem of reflections not being sharp enough? Thanks

4th December 2014, 09:14 PM
Which PolyU are you using?
What size of surface area are you doing?
Type of timber?

I use both Minwax brush on and Minwax wipe on poly and in using foam applicator and a light coat find no problem with either unless I get heavy handed and apply to thick. Using a brush with WoP I only do on pens.

7th December 2014, 07:55 PM
Which PolyU are you using?
What size of surface area are you doing?
Type of timber?

I use both Minwax brush on and Minwax wipe on poly and in using foam applicator and a light coat find no problem with either unless I get heavy handed and apply to thick. Using a brush with WoP I only do on pens.

I think the only way to get answers is try other stuff like shellac. Long story short, PolyU is a joke.

8th December 2014, 01:10 PM
I like to have a few options for finishing a project. Shellac is one option if you do not like poly.
You could try an oil to finish a project, depending on the type of oil or oil mix will depend on how long it takes to dry.

Keen in mind that you might come back to using a poly finish in the future. No good throwing anything out unless it has already dried.