View Full Version : pearlescent finish

19th November 2014, 05:53 AM
Can someone point me in the direction of whatever it is that is used to get that silvery 'pearl' type of finish over a red or perhaps blue base. I've seen pictures of it used on bowls but can't find any pics or the actual name of the stuff.

Master Splinter
19th November 2014, 07:46 AM
There are various iridescent or pearlescent powders sold in art shops (near the paints), or if you want the heavy duty stuff (that does a proper colour flip as the viewing direction changes) have a look in a car paint store. (Warning...$$$$$$$$$$!)


19th November 2014, 11:52 AM
There are various iridescent or pearlescent powders sold in art shops (near the paints), or if you want the heavy duty stuff (that does a proper colour flip as the viewing direction changes) have a look in a car paint store. (Warning...$$$$$$$$$$!)


You're right about the $$$'s! Interesting stuff, but perhaps not quite what I am after. I'll have a look in the arts end of town for the powders.

The Bleeder
19th November 2014, 01:59 PM
Hi Burraboy,

Go to a smash repairer and talk to the spray painter.

A mate of mine is a panel beater and he can spray paint as well, so some of these pearl type paints can be expensive ($500 a litre).

But they will give you the low down on them.

Master Splinter
19th November 2014, 07:00 PM
Panelbeaters love 'em - scratch on a door panel? Sorry, got to repaint whole car! (very, very hard to blend repair work!)

19th November 2014, 10:08 PM
I have seen some pearlescent paints intended for the consumer market.

I seem to remember crylon do one in spray tins.

There are some pearl paints in interiour house paints.

yes there are a cariety of ways it is done in auto refinish..and a lot depends of how dramatic you want the effect.

some are just a metalic clear coat over an opaque background.

You will probaly get a baisc pearl in an automotive touch up can.

Of course there is always nail varnish...which may seem rediculous but its dooable for small bowls.


21st November 2014, 03:11 PM
Of course there is always nail varnish...which may seem rediculous but its dooable for small bowls....

And comes with it's own tiny brush.

22nd November 2014, 07:21 AM
Rust-oleum Colorshift is what you're after :2tsup:

You may need to order it in from a paint shop though. Bunnings & Masters didn't stock it when I was looking. I thought there had been a couple of threads in here about it but can't find any using obvious searches.

22nd November 2014, 09:52 AM
:iagree: with:whs:

Corbs is right on the money. Rust-oleum Colorshift is brilliant especially if done right.

There's also good ol' candy apple red. Not quite the same and was a little more complex to use but still brilliant. There's also a blue, green, orange, purple, etc, etc.
I remember using both red and blue from spray cans some 45 odd years ago. I'm presuming it's still readily available from Auto shops but not really sure, been a long time since I had a need for any.

Cheers - Neil :U

23rd November 2014, 05:46 PM
Been away for a few days so haven't been able to reply, but thanks for those responses, particularly regarding the rust-oleum. It may well do the job for me!