View Full Version : Searching

1st July 2005, 11:20 PM
Thinking about getting a patternmaker's vise for my new bench and I know Bitingmidge has one and I also know he made several posts about it but a search will not find those posts.

Here's one of them,

But a search won't find it. Anyone else care to try?

1st July 2005, 11:30 PM
I've had problems with searching too. I was trying to find a post that I did with Knob in it and it didn't find it.

1st July 2005, 11:54 PM
I think "emmert" was a brand of pattern makers vises
If you find one for sale don't tell anyone just buy it

. He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.

2nd July 2005, 12:51 AM
You can find out about Emmert patternmakes vices here:


Carbatec reportedly sell an Emmert clone but I can't find it on the websites.

Also Lee Valley have the Tucker vice here:


and you will also find some advice on the matter here:


I think Bob Smalser wrote an article on installing the Emmert clone but I can't seem to find it...oh yes... do a search here it is:o :


and some other stuff I never found before:


umm thats all I got:)

Hope this helps


2nd July 2005, 01:27 AM
Just updating the search engine info right now it is only done once every blue moon as it can almost shut down the bb because it is such a resourse intensive job, been running for 2 hours now with about 3hrs 25 min and 140,000 posts to go.

Search should work next time.

If you can't find a particular thread with the forum search, go to the Google Search box at the bottom of the page. I entered "Patternmaker's vice" and came up with the following 3 responses for Woodwork Forums:

Cheers - Neil :) (NOTRobbo)

2nd July 2005, 10:31 AM
Google works really well for searching this site

In the google search field enter

site:www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au Patternmaker's Vice

The search will be restricted to this BB only. The google searches are nifty because they return some of the text around your search criteria.

Maybe a button could be added to the google search at the bottom of the page that would do the site restriction automatically.

2nd July 2005, 11:46 AM
OK - 7 hours updating the search engine parameters etc and it still don't work. Poo!!! Guess I'll have to talk to the puter smarty about this one.

In the mean time as I said and so has grunt, use Google. They are constantly crawling the forums and are usually as up to date with their search results as a few hrs after posting. Pretty efficient mob.

Cheers - Neil :)

2nd July 2005, 01:43 PM
OK, google from now on, thanks Neil (and Grunt). :)