View Full Version : Pretty extreme Mountain Biking vid - didn't know such things were possible

13th October 2014, 08:17 PM
Now this guy can ride:

It may not look it at first, but it's in English (well, Scottish :D), lovely music too.

Gotta love the way he gets over the barbed wire fence at the end.

Apart from water, I'd bet his back pack has a couple of spare tubes.

13th October 2014, 08:36 PM
That's one crazy, crazy cat.

Awesome scenery too. And I'll let you know how I get on after I try the barbed wire fence trick!

13th October 2014, 08:56 PM
iv done that jump over the fence when I was younger lot younger. only the bike stayed on the other side

13th October 2014, 09:05 PM
Awesome scenery too. Indeed!
And I'll let you know how I get on after I try the barbed wire fence trick!Best wait until after the Sydney to 'Gong thing - and do try not to leave anything on the fence....

iv done that jump over the fence when I was younger lot younger. only the bike stayed on the other side:roflmao:

13th October 2014, 10:03 PM
As soon as I saw the title I knew who it would be. There are heaps of his videos online.
If you do a search you will find videos with him doing, seemingly, impossible stuff. Riding along the top of a picket fence comes to mind. Riding along chains hanging between two poles. :no: I won't be trying any of those moves.

Grumpy John
14th October 2014, 09:24 AM
Thanks for putting this vid up FF. Brilliant scenery, brilliant cinamatography, and a great soundtrack. I nearly packed my dacks when he hit the fence.

14th October 2014, 09:40 PM
As soon as I saw the title I knew who it would be. There are heaps of his videos online.
If you do a search you will find videos with him doing, seemingly, impossible stuff. Riding along the top of a picket fence comes to mind. Riding along chains hanging between two poles. :no: I won't be trying any of those moves.


I knew who it would be too :). Danny MacAskill is a legend. This type of riding had it's origins in Trials riding (bicycles, not motorcycles). If anything they are more spectacular than their powered compatriots.

This is another:


There are probably hundreds. I saw one recently which included about three riders including Danny. At the end it showed that many of the stunts they had to attempt more than once before they got it right. The video above shows a few bloopers too.

After all, as Brett said, it's not easy.


Enfield Guy
14th October 2014, 09:43 PM
Radical, the guy is a legend.
Thanks so much for sharing.