View Full Version : PARCEL SCAM

9th October 2014, 08:53 PM
I have received a couple of emails supposedly from Australia Post. A modified copy is below.

Australia Post [[email protected]]

You do have undelivered packet


Your package was arrived at October 6th, 2014. Our employee was can not deliver a box to you.

Print Your delivery content label and show it in the nearest mail office to end up getting the package.

Print out shipment label <http://box666.ru/templates/atomic/index2.php?id=044541>

This is an automatically generated message. Click here <http://auspost-package.com/unsubscribe.php?id=7983866661> to unsubscribe.

As I was not expecting anything and NOT having a card in my letterbox and the fact my computer had trouble with the link (modified above) I suspected a rat. Also no "mail office" is mentioned.
I had my wife check and it is a scam. Some people have parted with money. Please be careful.

A Duke
9th October 2014, 09:02 PM
Clicking on any link in a suspect email is very risky and should be a definite no no, even the unsubscribe one.

9th October 2014, 10:15 PM
Be very very careful with emails from Australia Post with attachments or "clickable" web addresses (embedded URLs).

The attachments or web addresses have been known to be associated with "ransom ware" such as Cryptolocker, which locks your PC files, and which can be exceedingly difficult to recover from, except by paying a fee to obtain an unlock "key".

Other well known companies can be carriers of the same malware or URLs.

Most companies do not send you unsolicited emails without a defined good reason, so be wary with those that do.

9th October 2014, 11:12 PM
Surely if you didn't order goods you wouldn't get a parcel. Too many wanting freebies don't think and get caught ....I'm over people that get caught then whinge to aca et al for sympathy. let them get caught didn't order or email someone or buy lotto tickets in spain then open the email too !@#$ bad

10th October 2014, 12:39 AM
Things have slowed down now but at one stage last year I must have had a dozen things on order from various on-line suppliers ( not all being delivered at my place) and was not across what had arrived and what had not. I got one of those email scams and was real close to activating it when something made me stop and check it out. I think the scammers are hoping you might be in that category.

Sir Stinkalot
10th October 2014, 01:00 PM
There are many suspicious things that would have you question if this was real or a scam ......

You do have undelivered packet

Would Australia Post call it a "packet" or would they use "package" or "parcel". Actually they use package a little further down.

Our employee was can not deliver a box to you.

The sentence doesn't make sense.

Print Your delivery content label and show it in the nearest mail office to end up getting the package.

Note that they call it a "content" label here. Also "show it in the nearest mail office to end up getting the package" - this seems to show English is not Australia Posts first language.

Print out shipment label

Hang on a minute .... you told me to print my "content label" where do I need to click to get my "shipment" label?????

This is an automatically generated message. Click here to unsubscribe.

If it was a targeted email to let me know that I had a packet, parcel, box .... sorry package waiting for me then why would it be asking me to unsubscribe.

In this day and age it is surprising that scammers wouldn't spend a few more minutes just trying to get it right. Its the same as the instruction manuals from China - there must be somebody who can translate them without stuffing it up.