View Full Version : Been spending too much time in the shed lately?

30th June 2005, 10:29 AM
Give these guys a call:

30th June 2005, 11:00 AM
Clever advertising..........

isn't it such a awful feeling.......thinking through all the possible reasons
- did I forget her birthday ?
- annerversary ?
- to pick the kids up from school ?
- to say I love her ?
- she's had a haircut and I didn't notice.....
- did I forget to wash me whiskers down the drain
- forgot the milk
- the vanilla essence

30th June 2005, 11:10 AM
I'm usually in trouble because she told me something 6 weeks ago and I've forgotten it...

Kev Y.
30th June 2005, 12:52 PM
[QUOTE=apricotripper]Clever advertising..........

isn't it such a awful feeling.......thinking through all the possible reasons
- did I forget her birthday ?
- annerversary ?
- to pick the kids up from school ?
- to say I love her ?
- she's had a haircut and I didn't notice.....
- did I forget to wash me whiskers down the drain
- forgot the milk
- the vanilla essence

Done that
Forgot THAT! :eek:
Are we supposed to notice?
Ok done that too
wrong sort!
real or imitation....

30th June 2005, 01:05 PM
Ms. Grunt almost never remembers my birthday or our anniversary so when I forget and she complains I can always point to the injustice of it all. Not that it helps all that much.

As I get older I get more and more absent minded. I'm 44, just can't wait until I'm 60. Won't even remember my own name.