View Full Version : Huon Pine Oil

29th June 2005, 07:17 PM
I am hoping someone can help as i am after some Huon Pine oil and have had no luck doing a google on it.

Any help would be most appresiated.



29th June 2005, 07:55 PM
I am hoping someone can help as i am after some Huon Pine oil and have had no luck doing a google on it.
Any help would be most appresiated.


HagridThe last I found was at the salamanka markets in Hobart The only thing on the lable is
Dynamo House Melbourne
But I have tried their web page and they no longer list it
My sister who lives in Hobart is on standing orders to buy me any she sees but has not seen any in the last 2 Years.


30th June 2005, 08:24 AM
Thank you Russell for the reply

30th June 2005, 02:00 PM
I'm no expert on this but I asked recently at the Salamanca market. I found a bloke who used to sell it - until he discovered that it was a bit of a hoax. The smell is authentic-ish, but apparently there is no such thing, and it is eucalyptus oil or something.

30th June 2005, 02:24 PM
I'm no expert on this but I asked recently at the Salamanca market. I found a bloke who used to sell it - until he discovered that it was a bit of a hoax. The smell is authentic-ish, but apparently there is no such thing, and it is eucalyptus oil or something.Proberly what I got, have used it mainly on rosewood frames with huon pine inserts and wedges and it came up great but After reading your post I think I
have been had

I know that in the early 1800's huon pine oil was produced at sarah island in Macquarie Harbour and sold mainly to German Dentists

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