View Full Version : Shellac protection containers.

3rd September 2014, 08:08 AM
according to this read…..


…. shellac doesn't like oxygen. Says its oxygen that contributes to shellac not desolving.

The solution they use is to supply the shellac in oxygen proof containers.

Which is what interests me.

What everyday materials out there are oxygen proof. Get the impression just a cleaned out plastic container from the kitchen is just not good enough. Shame, because there's a lot of old tuperware. I would have thought, simply a glass bottle would be oxygen proof, but apparently (unless I've read wrong) its not (?)

Ultimately want to stick my shellac in the fridge in something. But what ? I don't want to have to buy in something oxygen resistant just to store shellac.

:) <- I'm putting a brave face despite the apparent liver failure. (should have natural skin coloured smileys ! Just a suggestion. I'm not an expert on smiley creation)

3rd September 2014, 09:53 AM
I've left shellac sitting out in open containers in summer for weeks at a time, mixed in open containers. The flakes I have are several years old and dewaxed. I have no problems getting it to dissolve with minimal agitation. While oxygen is rather reactive and can react with shellac in solution, if it prevented shellac from dissolving, you wouldn't be able to remove old shellac from a piece with alcohol after a few years.
It should be protected when in solution (but it takes months to degrade even if the container is open). Use whatever container you want so long as the solvent (the alcohol and whatever is added) won't attack the container.


Master Splinter
3rd September 2014, 02:37 PM
You could always store it in little vacuum-seal bags, if you have one of those vacuum sealer gadgets.

3rd September 2014, 11:24 PM