View Full Version : fan flow CFM vs m3/hr?? i cant figure it out

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17th August 2014, 11:00 PM
with airflow
CFM is cubic feet per minute, a cubic foot is around 30cm x 30cm x 30cm
m3/h is a cubic metre per hour 1m x 1m x 1m

am I correct so far??
there is approximately 27 cubic feet in 1 cubic meter? correct??

if an exhaust fan flows 27CFM then it would flow 1620CF per hour equivalent to 60m3/h right??

if we have 3 exhaust fans rated at 37CFM http://www.frozencpu.com/products/24...35&id=RuNHVxnV (http://www.frozencpu.com/products/2468/fan-163/AeroCool_120mm_Turbine_1000_Fan_-_SILVER.html?tl=g36c435&id=RuNHVxnV)

and one exhaust fan rated at 187m3/h TT Mixflow inline fan 100mm | Pure Ventilation (http://www.pureventilation.com.au/product/fanco/tt-mixflow-inline-100/)

would the 3 x exhaust fans at 37CFM flow more air than the one at 187m3/h??

trying to work this out. I need to extract hot air from a 75m3 office that is full of computers with a 2 metre piece of duct with a fan in between. I plan to mount the ducting up near the ceiling and a piece of duct ducting it outside as the room gets damn hot.
but I cant see 3 x 12v computer fans flowing more than this 240V fan???

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/fan-flow-cfm-vs-m3-hr-i-cant-figure-out-113551/)