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Carry Pine
4th August 2014, 09:34 AM
(A bit like my trip to Europe looking for the ' @ ' key. very hard to send e mails without it.)
21st August 2014, 11:33 AM
If you can't find the at sign "@" hold the 'alt' key and use the numeric keypad to type 0 6 4 and when the alt key is released you'll have the @ character.
From my days of working on a computer that used octal, an ASCII @ was 100. This converts to 64 in decimal. There is something weird in that there must be a leading zero. I don't know why.
21st August 2014, 08:24 PM
you can just do Alt 64.
No need for the leading 0,
not in a text editor not in word not in Cmd shell etc....
Carry Pine
22nd August 2014, 08:46 PM
If you can't find the at sign "@" hold the 'alt' key and use the numeric keypad to type 0 6 4 and when the alt key is released you'll have the @ character.
From my days of working on a computer that used octal, an ASCII @ was 100. This converts to 64 in decimal. There is something weird in that there must be a leading zero. I don't know why.
I knew it would be something simple!