View Full Version : Are you tired of hearing about Douglas Woods?
Kev Y.
24th June 2005, 10:22 AM
Ok so the poor guy was kidnapped and held hostage, He was working for an american company, (not a relief organisation) he lives in America, and is married to an american.
WHY do we have to set him up an an AUSTRALIAN hero?
I realise I am gonna possably cop a caneing for this but the media are driving me CRAZY....
24th June 2005, 10:49 AM
No, I agree with you. Why didn't he go home to the US? The only reason they brought him here is so they can parade him around and say "see, we got him back and we didn't bow to the demands of terrorists". I'm over it. Well, I was never really on it I suppose.
24th June 2005, 10:58 AM
What mr C said.
24th June 2005, 11:01 AM
I don't watch too much tele or buy newspapers.
He's a golfer isn't he??
24th June 2005, 11:04 AM
Isn't it a kind of timber related to Douglas Fir?
24th June 2005, 11:16 AM
No Douglas Fir is what Gillette now call his head stubble as they shave it off in their new ads for blades designed to give anyone the smooth melon look!
Don't you love corporate opportunities!
:D :D :D
24th June 2005, 11:23 AM
Isn't it a poem?
If you go out with Woods today
your in for a big surpise,
If you go out with Woods today
He's at the footy and eating pies,
For every newpspaper that ever there was
Will gather there for certain because
Today's the day the Woods are having their beers.
TV time for Dougy Woods;
et al
Apologies to kids everywhere
24th June 2005, 11:33 AM
Use the Wood that Douglas Woods Would...
24th June 2005, 11:39 AM
I for one did not watch the interview on TV that he was paid for .
I did see him on the news after his rescue in a hospital bed where all I heard him say was "God Bless America"
I wonder if he will reimberse the Aussie Tax payer for the travel costs of the people that were sent across to help in his release , from his interview fee.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance
24th June 2005, 12:17 PM
I'm with midge. The media seem to live in a world of their own (or maybe I do). It's just NOT INTERESTING.
I'm glad the guy escaped, but the johnny boy photo ops, God Bless America ... puhleeeeease
And what about the kidnapped Iraqis who apparently weren't rescued?
24th June 2005, 12:35 PM
G'day Brudda,
I have to agree with you.
To me a particular news story runs for 1 or maybe 2 nights, then I've had enough of it.
Kylie has breast cancer, so every night for a week or so the first story was what's happening to KM. Big deal! If a news story is newsy enough for a TV station they'll show it every night, then after the first story of that night they might do three other stories about it and they'll interview Myrtle who used to live next door to her 30 years ago just to get her side of things - give me a break! :mad:
Or the Threadbow disaster, or Lady Diana or September 11, or the tidal wave - for weeks on that one we had live crosses to Phuket showing us the same vision we saw two weeks ago - I don't mean to insult anyone, but the networks run stories for too long. They are becoming like the US news - where we have to get the inside story from everyone who knows the person concerned.
That's my 2 cents before I offend someone, sure I care, but I loose caring if I get whacked over the head too often with it. I watch the news three times of a night, maybe four - 5:00 the Ten news, 6:00 Ch 7, 9:30 maybe SBS and 10:30 Ch 10 again - I like to know what's happening in the world - but don't milk a story to death!
As my poor wife, who sists next to me when this happens - I always get told, "they can't hear you, you know"
24th June 2005, 01:54 PM
The whole thing was a put on by the Americans, and was mostly filmed in the same studio as the Moon landing, just so they could appear to be saving the world again.
Im not a conspiracy theorist. Who said i was? Was it the government? It was that guy at the newspaper stand wasnt it. He's got it in for me.
He he he
24th June 2005, 01:59 PM
What Chris! said
24th June 2005, 02:39 PM
His intelligence can be summed up by his attitude to the war in the first place and the fact that he would consider going back. Fancy apologising to Bush....enuf said.
Wood Borer
24th June 2005, 03:01 PM
Dear oh dear, so I am not the only person who clenches his fists and swears at the TV.
On the odd occasion I watch commercial TV, I make a mental note of the advertisers who advertise amongst the short periods of crap such as the topic we are talking about, Current Affairs foot in the door, miracle cures etc.
Those companies advertising during these shows obviously want to be associated with those shows and the disgusting simplistic content of those shows. If they didn't they would not advertise during such shows or would insist on better quality shows,
I detest those shows and therefore detest the companies advertising during those shows. I do not wish my money to contribute to the success of those companies so I go out of my way to ensure it doesn't.
I have been able to contain my anger and therefore my swearing whilst responding to this thread. I will sign off before I lapse or collapse after using so much energy for restraint.
24th June 2005, 03:20 PM
G'day WoodBorer,
Sound like we both think that TVs can hear us - maybe and could it be we don't have our Fiolees on and it's actually the aliens talking to us and we can hear them? Like some sort of subliminal message.
Kev Y.
24th June 2005, 04:27 PM
Damn.. I thought I was gunna cop a flogging with this poll... Maybe we should forward it onto the TV stations so they can get a good idea of what REAL people are thinking...
24th June 2005, 05:29 PM
As was pointed out on the Glass House this week, he is the only man to spend 47 days in captivity and look like he has put on weight.
Must have been all the Baklava and kebabs.
Robert WA
24th June 2005, 05:38 PM
Did you see his 2 brothers at a press conference.
They were sensible, dignified and reasonable. They have real class and the press corp stood and applauded them when it was over.
Douglas seems to come from the other end of that gene pool.
24th June 2005, 05:45 PM
Did you see his 2 brothers at a press conference.
They were sensible, dignified and reasonable. They have real class and the press corp stood and applauded them when it was over.
Douglas seems to come from the other end of that gene pool.
Where's he been living for the past 20 years? ;) :)
24th June 2005, 08:08 PM
In keeping with this selfish age, I would tell them that I didn't ask them to spend that money.
24th June 2005, 08:09 PM
My TV has a channel change button and an on/off switch.
If I don't like it I don't watch it.
Who cares--- there are more important things to think about- like wood turning, s.x, etc...... :)
24th June 2005, 08:14 PM
Who the hell is Douglas Woods??
Rob, You can get a "Frustration Brick" for the TV. It looks like a dinky die house brick but its made of foam.
24th June 2005, 08:17 PM
Who the hell is Douglas Woods??
Rob, You can get a "Frustration Brick" for the TV. It looks like a dinky die house brick but its made of foam.
Too dangerous for my place. My son, bless his cotton socks, has inherited his old man's sensayuma and would - at an early opportunity - substitute the foam jobbie for a real one. :eek:
24th June 2005, 08:28 PM
What kind of wood is that ? Never heard of it before ?
24th June 2005, 08:44 PM
Dear oh dear, so I am not the only person who clenches his fists and swears at the TV.
On the odd occasion I watch commercial TV, I make a mental note of the advertisers who advertise amongst the short periods of crap such as the topic we are talking about, Current Affairs foot in the door, miracle cures etc.
Those companies advertising during these shows obviously want to be associated with those shows and the disgusting simplistic content of those shows. If they didn't they would not advertise during such shows or would insist on better quality shows,
I detest those shows and therefore detest the companies advertising during those shows. I do not wish my money to contribute to the success of those companies so I go out of my way to ensure it doesn't.
I have been able to contain my anger and therefore my swearing whilst responding to this thread. I will sign off before I lapse or collapse after using so much energy for restraint.
Ahhhh bless you my son, for the roth of mankind is lurt in thine loins.
Go forth and multiply into thine fave tv program.
And sprout many a spoutling with the same thought as thee.
I have no Idea what Im talking about, but it looks good on paper.
Al :confused: :D
24th June 2005, 09:26 PM
Mate .... There's something brown dribbling down your chin ...... Whoops, sorry! :o Shouldn't have mentioned it!