View Full Version : What has the UBeaut Bulletin Board Done for you?

Wood Borer
23rd June 2005, 01:59 PM
The UBeaut Bulletin Board has helped me in my woodwork significantly and is a valuable resource. What benefits have others experienced?

Since becoming a member of the Ubeaut Bulletin Board how has this influenced your woodwork?

23rd June 2005, 02:16 PM

23rd June 2005, 02:19 PM
It has also introduced me, both online and in person, to the greatest bunch of bastards a bloke would be lucky to meet in a lifetime. There's too many of you to name but thank you all for making my life a little bit richer.
Sincere thanks to you all.
Bill Flannery

Wood Borer
23rd June 2005, 02:23 PM

Where have you been?

Foileys are foil hats we wear to stop the aliens stealing our thoughts and influencing our thinking. There are many references to them on the BB and even the UBeaut hat comes with a foiley option :)

Check out http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?t=10227&highlight=alien

23rd June 2005, 02:33 PM
Since joining the forums thanks to Reeves, I have finally found a group of people as wood-mad as myself, with whom I can talk wood till the cows come home as well as many other interesting topics and tom-foolery and the eyes/ears don't glaze over within 1 minute of mentioning the word 'wood'. I've even ventured beyond the backyard workshop to Maleny, Brisbane and Currumbin, visited a fellow-forum member's shed and finally made contact with other fellow female wood workers. I no longer feel like I'm an oddity, but an accepted fellow-forum member of the wood-working variety.So as far as I'm concerned, I'm Home!!!!!!:D

RufflyRustic (hic)

23rd June 2005, 02:34 PM
What Bill said. :)

Plus has also been an endless source of information on many subjects.
Not all of them woodwork related either :rolleyes: :D


Cliff Rogers
23rd June 2005, 02:39 PM
Bill & Wendy both saved me some typing. :D

It 'Has improved my work and inspired me to greater levels, new methods and techniques '
I've also found new sources & resourves for all stuff wood...
but I had to vote for the foilies & panckes. :rolleyes:

23rd June 2005, 02:41 PM
Ditto to what Wood Borer, Termite & Craig - but also helps me take my wood work seriously but not too seriously - you know, get to see the lighter side (and dark side)

23rd June 2005, 02:54 PM
found a group of people as wood-mad as myself...as far as I'm concerned, I'm Home!!!!!!:D
Well put Ruffly. Agree 100%

On foileys: only ever seen them on "Signs" (but then I'm just a newbie here). You dudes actually wore these? Who are you guys? (I can't talk though: I wear a beret:D)

Anyone want my pancake recipe? Takes 5 mins if that, is scalable for different numbers of breakfast-eaters, and satisfies all takers.

23rd June 2005, 03:17 PM
I'll bite - Pancake Recipe??? Bring it on...


23rd June 2005, 03:26 PM
I no longer feel like I'm an oddity
But that is a pre requisite, we all are..............just don't feel like it :D :D

23rd June 2005, 03:27 PM
1. Decreased my work productivity by about 20%.
2. Deprived my wallet of it's excess funds.
3. Caused me to wonder at the silliness of so many others.

Oh, and the other stuff that you other guys said too.

23rd June 2005, 03:30 PM
This forum gives me reason to come to work. (BLOODY WORK :mad: ).

I get to know some many great people through this forum. :)

Thanks to Neil. :)

Bob Willson
23rd June 2005, 03:34 PM
Bit of a lopsided poll this one isn't it? Everone seems to have the same sentiments that have so ably been previously expressed by everyone else.
What more is there to say? :)

23rd June 2005, 03:42 PM
I have found that through this forum I can be part of a like-minded woodworking community, which would otherwise be hard to achieve, since I do not live in a capital city; woodworkers in my locality seem to be solely engaged in wood-turning, which is not my interest. But through this forum I have been able to meet up with about a dozen forum members, some of whom, like MajorPanic, Aussieglen, and others, have awesome skills that I can only envy.

I think I learn something new from the forum almost daily, and I suppose I must spend at least an hour a day perusing the threads. It has made a big difference to my life, and I am very grateful for its existence.


23rd June 2005, 04:33 PM
All of you have already said it for me.

Other people - Mick (journeyman Mick) and Darren (silentC) among them - have from time to time compared this BB to the sort of group you might meet in a big working environment or a large club. You meet people who have a common interest but who are all different. The rich mixture makes for a great atmosphere.

Thanks to all of you for cheering me up, pissing me off, making me laugh and teaching me a helluva lot! :)


23rd June 2005, 06:01 PM
Most of it has already been said, but the best thing it has taught me is a new appreciation of hand tools.

Previously I would have gone out of my way to avoid using certain hand tools now I grab the best tool for the job irrespective if it is plugged into a power point or not.

And ofcourse the friends I've made on the board, great bunch of guys with the same weird sense of humour. :)


23rd June 2005, 06:28 PM
Where else can you get good advice, help & insultes all in one sentance from a bunch of likeable ratbags???

Agree with; Termite, Ruffly, Craig, Wood Borer, Rocker &......... well... you know who you are!! :p

23rd June 2005, 06:53 PM
I really like this BB except for all the foilie wearing, pancake eating, tool using wood workers.


Studley 2436
23rd June 2005, 06:59 PM
I would like to say what everyone else has but this is all getting a bit too touchy feely for me! GROUP HUG AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH This is making me feel all soft and lovely. I think I want to cry. You are all just so beautiful, I love you soooooo much.


This is woodworking list. They are all tough and strong here. Be a proper bloke or get chucked out on your ****. Get all that finger licking soft touch, willy nilly, mumbo jumbo and take it out of here.




23rd June 2005, 07:05 PM
Ask not what the BB can do for you, but what can you do for the BB. :)

I can do all sorts of good things for my fellow Boarders.

Make with the funny stuff.
Post funny piccys. ( usually of myself )
P#ss everyone off.
Give advise when I have the knowledge.
Give advise when I dont have the knowledge.

But most of all, spread my love.........Awwwhhhhhh. http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/otn/love/smlove2.gif

Awwhh yeah, youse lot do the same back too. http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/tweetz/scared.gifhttp://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/tweetz/scared.gifhttp://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/tweetz/scared.gif

Al :D

23rd June 2005, 07:09 PM
What everyone else said. Met some great people in person & on line. Learnt lots, hopefully helped a bit.

23rd June 2005, 07:28 PM
Now where did Zed put that link to Kum-bay-yah again? :D

23rd June 2005, 07:40 PM
I've personnally learnt how to spend a poo-pot of money on stuff I dont really need to survice. However I love this hobby and it gives me a sense of acheivement when people say "bugger, I thought you were useless at everything, can you make me one ?" the best part is when I say it will take x time and y of your $ for me to do this and they say ok.

however - we hates you all, you and your tricksy ways, give me back my ring, wankers the lot of yers. especially craigb, silentc, frigging grunt, wongo, OZWINNER!!!!, bitingmidge - pah!, woodborer, doorstop, darrylf and his sanitary workshop, majorpanic and his endless supply of new toolware, bloody and alexs, and all you others that make fun of us poor lower order primates ....

I feel a rendition of:
"I'm a bloke, Im a yobbo,
and me best mates name is ,
me shirt is flannellette,
blue heeler for a pet... etc..."

kissi ... kumbay ya... kumbay ya.

23rd June 2005, 07:42 PM
I would like to say what everyone else has but this is all getting a bit too touchy feely for me! GROUP HUG AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH This is making me feel all soft and lovely. I think I want to cry. You are all just so beautiful, I love you soooooo much.


This is woodworking list. They are all tough and strong here. Be a proper bloke or get chucked out on your ****. Get all that finger licking soft touch, willy nilly, mumbo jumbo and take it out of here.



Yeh Stevo!

Give yerself a left-handed uppercut!! ;) :D :D

23rd June 2005, 08:10 PM
Almost too late, the thought of hugging collectively with you lot. :eek: :eek:
I spend way too much time , my time not work time :eek: :eek: :eek: , on this forum. It's the only place I go everyday without fail, sort of like a toilet really. :D
Speaks volumes about you lot of ratbags. Can't wait for the Newcastle show to meet the monkey boy.

23rd June 2005, 08:29 PM
Besides the humour, I look forward to my daily fix of inventive solutions and advice from experienced woodwreckers given honestly and freely.

Thanks to Neil, Ubeaut & All

23rd June 2005, 08:37 PM
Can't wait for the Newcastle show to meet the monkey boy.
what makes you think I wont avoid you again ? eh ??? you were a friggin no show - neil told me! :-)

23rd June 2005, 08:49 PM
what makes you think I wont avoid you again ? eh ??? you were a friggin no show - neil told me! :-)
Now now it's all right. The foilie will keep those nasties away, besides you'll have the yew beaut new cap to help identify me this time. I might leave SWMBO at home this time so I can hang around longer this time instead of doing laps ten metres behind you. :D with her foot tapping out an increasingly more urgent tattoo with each successive lap.
You can't get out of it anymore, so bring those muffins with you as I still haven't sampled one of those thanks to that silent(?)C character, who stole my last one after plying me with copious quantities of amber liquid.

23rd June 2005, 09:57 PM
Hmm. I recall getting in on the Big Bessey Buy, that has greatly simplified clamping time and effort, allowing me to get other things done.

I have a shed-load of wood, thanks to this BB.

My TS was researched here and in other fora.

I've picked up lots of local knowledge of stores, events, displays etc.

I get to help others on occasion.

Techniques and ideas are easily retrieved from the search engine.

I got to meet some good guys in the process.

Oh yeah, nearly forgot - it has a resident talking monkey!

journeyman Mick
23rd June 2005, 11:04 PM
What everyone else has said (especially Al!), it's a source of information on almost any subject (sometimes even woodworking related) and a pretty nice place to hang out and shoot the breeze with some cyber woodworking friends. I've even had the pleasure of meeting some of them at Gary Pye's, unfortunately the afternoon was just too short and I didn't get the chance to talk to everyone for any where near long enough.


23rd June 2005, 11:16 PM
What benefits have others experienced?

Since becoming a member of the Ubeaut Bulletin Board how has this influenced your woodwork?

Do a search :D

23rd June 2005, 11:16 PM
give me back my ring
I swear I never touched it.

Like a cross between The Bold and the Beautiful and trade school. And the electric kool-aid acid tests....this BB is a good place.

Have a nice day,

23rd June 2005, 11:25 PM
I have enjoyed visiting the site, learnt new techniques, visited Australia and have been given much friendship and hospitality. Thank you.

23rd June 2005, 11:45 PM
I joined the site after a large proportion of the google searchs I was doing pointed here. Time after time the answer to whatever issue I was look at was found on this BB.

Fine wood working is new to me. I have spent a life time being rough and ready, so have been struggling with detailed work. Its quite a brain shift to go from building a wall or a deck to cutting dove tails.
This BB has been a great resource for seeing what can be achieved and how. Unfortunatly my skill improvement has been slow (old dogs and all that) but atleast its moving in the right direction.

23rd June 2005, 11:47 PM
It has made me laugh, angry and inspired me, but what I like most is that in a world of dollars, there are the exceptions to the rule and they are easily found on this forum. Examples of people going out of their way is common place here. Be it T-shirts, freight, meeting points etc., its fairly commonplace and I've only been here are short time.

Ive met a few of you and look forward to meeting more of you. Joegee is a perfect example ...:D

Unfortunately, I get to see the worst of people on a regular basis and this forum is for the most part a form of relief.

Oh and if you didn't realise, I know everything.....dont you love some of the options....:D good thread.

24th June 2005, 12:07 AM
OK ladies, time to put the frilly apron on. Somebody wanted a recipe for pancakes, see attached for ingredients list (scaled according to quantity desired)

1. Put all ingredients in bowl, except butter.
2. Mix (rough enough is good enough) (whisk works well)
3. melt butter and add to mixture while stiring
4. get well seasoned, round sided pan really hot
5. add 5/6ths of a soup ladle of mixture to pan (and use gravity to spread it into a disc about 25cm diameter.
6. When top has ceased to be a liquid, but before bottom has burned (adjust stove as required), flip pancake
7. Cook 2nd side between 5 and 10 seconds, and slide it off onto stack/plate whatever.
8. Eat with lemon juice & sugar, maple syrup, (or if you are an experimentalist like no. 2 son, milo and jam, cheese & walnuts, etc.)

These are very thin, crepe style pancakes. Pankcake can be folded over topping, or coiled up, swiss-roll style.

Finish with ebeaut EEE and minwax.

24th June 2005, 12:12 AM
Hmm? What do I get from the BB?

Lost time.
Friendship. I have met some very nice people because of the board.
Laughter. Some of you crack me up with your quick wit.
Knowledge. I thought I knew a bit but I learn something off all of you.
A sense of humbleness sometimes when I hear of the struggles some of you have with what life has thrown at you.
All in all not a bad bunch to know.

Doesn't mean I won't delete improper posts though. :D

24th June 2005, 12:32 AM
Do a search :D
Tried to give you a greenie but the great moderator won't let me

The trouble with life is there's no background music.

24th June 2005, 09:43 AM
i learned to work wood here. :o and have met some great people:D

24th June 2005, 09:56 AM
What a bunch of Merchant Bankers!(Me included!)

Shane Watson
24th June 2005, 10:09 AM
Have to agree with whole heartedly!

Cheers guys!

(0h, back home again now....damn snow....)

24th June 2005, 10:22 AM
Previously my 1950's 8" tilting table TS, workmate, jigsaw, a #4 and sandpaper was fine.
Now I need

A workbench, with a hardwood top and as heavy as a really heavy thing
Old tools. Chisels, gouges, marking out thingy's, #1-8, in fact every plane ever made, saws, miji's shoulder/chisel/rabbet/carriagemakers/block/compass.....noooooooooo!
hand-cut dovetail skills
waterstones/pond/jigs/Dereks sharpening sander
Thicknesser/jointer/bandsaw/10" TS
Japanese saws
Electrolysis gear
$2000 a month for Lee Valley orders
The best clamps on earth
an understanding wife (still working on this one)
American fireman Tee ('on yer Ryan ;) )
Oh, and a sense of humour and a quick wit.

BTW, your'e not such a bad mob either, (for Aussies :D ) Thanks for all the help, and the Darkside habits.

Studley 2436
24th June 2005, 11:06 AM
Yeh Stevo!

Give yerself a left-handed uppercut!! ;) :D :D
Bit dizzy from that punch Major. I think I'm coming back to my senses now.


24th June 2005, 11:57 AM
All of the above...........I retired and looked for a hobby..........I found two. Woodturning and this BB.

Both time consuming and fantastic. Thanks to you all for your help, advice and humour.


24th June 2005, 12:24 PM
The great thing about the site is that everyone's different.
For a novice like me, that means the advice is as diverse as the people.

24th June 2005, 12:27 PM
I found out it was alright to know bugger all about woodworking and that people here (some) actually know what their talking about and are happy to answer dumb questions.

I found out that their are other really weird people in this world (like me) that work in office's but want to spend huge amounts of money making stuff they could have bought for 1/20th of the cost but none of the satisfaction.

I have found out their are people that are stranger than me!!!:D :D :D

This is a big thing because i used to think i was on this planet by myself.

Now I have a foiley (thanks Ubewt) all those voices have gone away!

24th June 2005, 01:22 PM
Hmmmm, let me see......

Grey hair, premature aging, headaches, sleepless nights, ulsers and a nervous tic every time I hear certain names mentioned. Increased work load, less free time, more hastles. http://www.ubeaut.biz/crying.gif

Then there's the weekly emails..... approx 20 a week asking why something on the bb doesn't work, 30 asking why their password no longer works, 40 "help I can't.....", 10 "I registered but I can't.....", 30 abusive, whinging or crying emails, 60 emails a week from non members asking me to pass on info to someone on the bb, or wanting an address of a member or wanting to order one of Carba Tecs new thingamajigs from me because they saw it on the forums so I must be Carba Tec.

Reported posts: the best week I've had so far was 52 reported posts that's 104 emails - talk about ya spam.

Laws suits: So far 12 threatened legal actions because, some idiots just have to slag off businesses or individuals on the forums without thought of the consequences. Another 20 or more (that I know of) avoided by swift editing and quick negotiation.

Still looking for an upside......... Nup, can't find one.

Wait a minute....... It's been fun. Does that count?

Thank goodness I have an understanding wife, a and a Shane, otherwise it would all have gone to hell in a handbag ages ago.

Cheers - Neil http://www.ubeaut.biz/laughing.gif

Now if I could just find a way of making a cent for each person that visits the forums...... Hmmmm that would definitely make it all worth while.

24th June 2005, 01:58 PM
I know i am reasonably new here, but what the hell is a foily, and where can I get one......
Now where are those pancakes.

24th June 2005, 02:56 PM
And what's more......... No muffins at Sydney WWW Show.

Think I'll go and eat worms. http://www.ubeaut.biz/throwup.gif

Neil :)

PS Cagey - Do a search!
See what I mean. I have hade dozens of emails over the last 6 mth asking, "What's a foily?"

24th June 2005, 03:07 PM
And what's more......... No muffins at Sydney WWW Show.
That was my old nickname, can I sue you now??? :p

24th June 2005, 03:30 PM
And what's more......... No muffins at Sydney WWW Show.

Think I'll go and eat worms. http://www.ubeaut.biz/throwup.gif

Neil :)

PS Cagey - Do a search!
See what I mean. I have hade dozens of emails over the last 6 mth asking, "What's a foily?"
It's just as well cause Darren would have stolen yours and then you'd feel worse. :D

24th June 2005, 04:57 PM
PS Cagey - Do a search!
See what I mean. I have had dozens of emails over the last 6 mth asking, "What's a foily?"

Now you'll get a whole lot more from those who object to being told to " Do a search". :p


24th June 2005, 05:19 PM
Bill & Wendy & Cliff and many others have said what matters eloquently ...

info on many things (technique, tools, keeping fingers :eek:, working with what you have .. )
fun ..
that intangible of being accepted :o

and I had to vote for the foilies & panckes. ???? :confused: ????

24th June 2005, 05:29 PM
What everyone else said - but its great to meet a great bunch of people both online and in person. I have learnt a lot from peoples collective experience and advice. And its not a bad place to hang out with others that share a common interest.


24th June 2005, 06:45 PM
Now if I could just find a way of making a cent for each person that visits the forums...... Hmmmm that would definitely make it all worth while.
Ive got a whole tin of em at work, there yours just send me your address so I can send em COD.
And theres some 2 cent bits in there too, double the fun.:)

Al :D

24th June 2005, 08:53 PM
PS Cagey - Do a search!

O.K. everyone, his ubeautness says "do a search" is a reasonable response. :)

I'm going to bookmark his post. :) :) :)

24th June 2005, 10:37 PM
O.K. everyone, his ubeautness says "do a search" is a reasonable response. :)

I'm going to bookmark his post. :) :) :)

It is the definitive opinion on the need for searching before posting. :)


24th June 2005, 10:46 PM
It's just made me wish I hadn't sent Al that pot of MFKL. Have you seen this?:


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

24th June 2005, 11:18 PM
Got "invalid thread" on that link Col

24th June 2005, 11:20 PM
ive searched and searched, but none of the shops have a foylie...foily...foilee..f*@% it what ever its called. All i could find was a hat with an erect penis on it with the words "Yes I'm a Woodie". Will that do for now.

Wheres my pancackes

24th June 2005, 11:33 PM
Got "invalid thread" on that link Col

It would seem that the moderator's chopper has been wielded and Al's photographic efforts have been consigned to oblivion. Ah well. :rolleyes:

25th June 2005, 12:14 AM
I love my daily fix of BB.

The knowlege gleaned from my brethren (Youz mob :D ) is priceless.

Oh and Zenwood, does it matter what type of flour to use?

25th June 2005, 01:24 AM
Hmmmm, let me see......

Now if I could just find a way of making a cent for each person that visits the forums...... Hmmmm that would definitely make it all worth while.
You'll make some out of me at the Adel show next month!
Id go as far to say this is the best BB on the www, great people good advice and some of the best wood craftspeople on this great land of ours... oh and cant forget the Ozwinner highlights should be Ozsillybugga :rolleyes:

25th June 2005, 08:27 AM
Oh and Zenwood, does it matter what type of flour to use? Dunno: I only ever use plain. The original source says "not wholemeal".
I should say that this is an adaptation of the recipe in "NMAA Cooks - Recipes For Busy Mothers" compiled by the Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia, 1975, recipe 1205, p. 213, where they offer the following "Filling Ideas:

Lemon juice, castor sugar.
Ricotta cheese, sugar, cinnamon, sultanas.
Berry jam. Serve with cream.
250 g (8 oz) fruit mince softened in 1 tablespoon brandy.
125 g (4 oz) cream cheese, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 4 tablespoons chopped walnuts.
Chocolate sauce.
Honey or golden syrup.
(See R 435 [mushrooms, chicken, ham, cheese, etc.] and R 1811 [fishy stuff:eek:] for savoury fillings."

Now do this:

Go and make some brekky
Go and make some shavings

25th June 2005, 08:35 AM
Oh and Zenwood, does it matter what type of flour to use? Dunno: I only ever use plain. The original source says "not wholemeal".
I should say that this is an adaptation of the recipe in "NMAA Cooks - Recipes For Busy Mothers" compiled by the Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia, 1975, recipe 1205, p. 213, where they offer the following "Filling Ideas:

Lemon juice, castor sugar.
Ricotta cheese, sugar, cinnamon, sultanas.
Berry jam. Serve with cream.
250 g (8 oz) fruit mince softened in 1 tablespoon brandy.
125 g (4 oz) cream cheese, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 4 tablespoons chopped walnuts.
Chocolate sauce.
Honey or golden syrup.
(See R 435 [mushrooms, chicken, ham, cheese, etc.] and R 1811 [fishy stuff:eek:] for savoury fillings.

Now do this:

Go and make some brekky
Go and make some shavings

25th June 2005, 09:57 AM
As my wife often says Im addicted to this BB

but thats because it has lots to do with woodworking and a fair bit about funny silver hats and the good Aussie sledge put in here and there.
what more do you need?
on reflection i need lots of other stuff.

Cheers Ian :)

E. maculata
25th June 2005, 12:12 PM
Laughter, knowledge, comraderie, collectivism, an unkempt garden, several blocked gutters ,and a bigger belly(& a sore belly from laughing) from sitting here interacting with you mob, which by the way can be done while I'm spending time with my family, helping with homework, arranging work, and as an added bonus it keeps me off the streets and out of gaol :p

it's actually quite

25th June 2005, 12:45 PM
I love my daily fix of BB.

The knowlege gleaned from my brethren (Youz mob :D ) is priceless.

Oh and Zenwood, does it matter what type of flour to use?

Mine aren't as flash as Zenwoods..................

1 cup S/R flour
1 egg (chicken , from the **** end thereof)
add milk while stirring until a nice thin paste
stick in pan with melted butter or marg
put over flame, cook on low flame
add butter / marg as required while cooking

eat with ice cream and lots of malpe syrup..................yummo

25th June 2005, 02:54 PM
Photo 1: ready to go!
Photo 2: Aftermath (that wuz only me, 2 of the boys and one of their friends, managed to demolish most of the 500g version:eek:)

25th June 2005, 11:13 PM
Finally my pancakes. Thanks Zenwood.
Heres my fail safe recipe
1 cup S/R flour
1 egg
pinch of salt (yes even for sweet p/cakes)
up to a tbl spoon of sugar
2/3 cup milk
mix to consistency of thick cream (add more milk if required) let rest for 1/2 an hour then cook in moderate pan til bubbles pop thru, then turn and cook for further minute or so. I dont cook in much butter, just enough to stop sticking and wipe out excess

You wont be dissapointed

25th June 2005, 11:43 PM
That's the way to make them.

Then top with a spoonful of caster sugar and the juice of a lemon

Looooooooooooovely.Three more please.

26th June 2005, 03:37 PM
You all (or most of you) keep on reminding me HOW MUCH I HATE BLOODY PANCAKES!! :eek: The sight of aluminium foil (aluminum, for the yanks) is also starting to make me feel ill! :mad:

27th June 2005, 12:57 AM
the forum is always a good source for answers to ww problems.

Also you guys are are good scapegoat for my little tool purchasing problem...:o "...sorry dear if you want a table like the one Major made I need to get some more tools"

oh yeah and I really, really must have a bigger shed ;)