View Full Version : Skin cancer rate in Aus - YIKES

20th June 2005, 05:41 PM
:eek: I had no idea that Aus has the highest skin cancer rate in the world - the gov website says 2/3 will be diagnosed with one or more of the three types. I guess I'll have to develop some nocturnal habbits.

20th June 2005, 05:59 PM
Well Mathew - you have to die from something - if its not melanoma then the poisonous snakes, spiders, crocodiles, bushfires, etc are another option.

Still planning on coming?:):):)


20th June 2005, 06:03 PM
You better not come over Matt, just send all your tools over, we'll look after them for you.

Al :p :D

20th June 2005, 06:05 PM
:eek: I had no idea that Aus has the highest skin cancer rate in the world - the gov website says 2/3 will be diagnosed with one or more of the three types. I guess I'll have to develop some nocturnal habbits.

It's only the highest because South East Queensland bumps up the average.


P (Slip, Slop, Slap as they say in the adult shops.)

:D :D :D

20th June 2005, 06:07 PM
By the way Mat, by my count it's only 24 Sleeps to go, 23 if you can't sleep on a plane!!



20th June 2005, 06:28 PM
15 Minutes under the aussie sun and you start to damage your skin. The skin cancer clinics here in Port Macquarie are doing a roaring trade.

20th June 2005, 07:00 PM
It's all the fault of the Giberal Party, or is it the Slavor Party, or was it the Sleazal Democrats, or Browny's Greens (how can the leader of the Greens be Bob BROWN :confused: )

see, one sip of red and I'm coherent. I'm going to finish the whole glass and go for sensible :eek:

20th June 2005, 07:30 PM
Dont worrry, those feelings are ephemeral and get replaced by logical and coherent then fall away into intuitive, then happy and freindly and by the sixteenth glass your just back to the average everyday irrationality that has become the signature of the age.

20th June 2005, 07:44 PM
:eek: I had no idea that Aus has the highest skin cancer rate in the world - the gov website says 2/3 will be diagnosed with one or more of the three types. I guess I'll have to develop some nocturnal habbits.
Mathew 2/3 is an imperial measurement. When converted to metric it is only 66%. Not so bad really. http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif

20th June 2005, 07:45 PM
Dont worrry, those feelings are ephemeral and get replaced by logical and coherent then fall away into intuitive, then happy and freindly and by the sixteenth glass your just back to the average everyday irrationality that has become the signature of the age.

Can I have some of what you're drinking?


20th June 2005, 07:48 PM
It's the price you pay for living in Godzown country...... you get used to it, so don't worry!! ;) :D :D :D

20th June 2005, 07:49 PM
Actually, there is a real reason for this ... the skin cancer bit, the drinking is easy to understand (wimmen drive us to it {just come from the divorce court})

The gap in the ozone layer extends over Oz and/or is thinner here than anywhere else in the world. That means we get a lot more UV than anywhere else and so the sun hits a lot harder. People from more extreme climates than ours find the heat a lot harder to handle hear because of this ... but we just get skin cancer. Be warned lads - we is living in a giant microwave oven.


20th June 2005, 07:52 PM
Beeeeeep, Beeeeeep, Beeeeeep.

Your done.


Al :eek:

20th June 2005, 07:55 PM

Now that people are aware of the dangers of skin cancer, I think the rates are likely to fall noticeably; the trouble is that it only takes about five episodes of sunburn in your life to predispose your skin to skin cancer. Years ago, when sunburn was regarded as a trivial and temporary nuisance, many Australians clocked up their five or more episodes of sunburn without realising that they were storing up trouble for the future. Hopefully, most people now know better.


20th June 2005, 08:40 PM
Years ago, when sunburn was regarded as a trivial and temporary nuisance, many Australians clocked up their five or more episodes of sunburn without realising that they were storing up trouble for the future. Hopefully, most people now know better.
RockerMathew These days you rearly see small children at the beach etc without correct skin protection, and we have some of the best testing clinics in the world. So a little care and skin cancer is not a worry its the bunyups that are the real threat.


21st June 2005, 11:41 AM
It must be devastating the animal populations around oz. #1 cause of cataracts is the sun. Is blindness common in wildlife?

21st June 2005, 11:56 AM
You guys are a day ahead but 7 hours behind, or at least thats how I rationalize it. It hurts too much to figure out when I should or shouldn't be a day ahead or behind.

By the way Mat, by my count it's only 24 Sleeps to go, 23 if you can't sleep on a plane!!



21st June 2005, 11:59 AM
Most of the Australian native species are smart enough to stay indoors during the day and only venture out at night. Unfortunately, this is when they fall victim to Australia's second biggest killer: the B Double.

Actually, it just occurred to me that the reason so many of them get hit by something the size of a barn moving at 120kph, is because they are suffering from cataracts and don't see it coming.

21st June 2005, 01:48 PM
It must be devastating the animal populations around oz. #1 cause of cataracts is the sun. Is blindness common in wildlife?
Koalas have a lot of trouble with blindness but I don't think it's got much to do with the sun. I think it's because they are so incredibly stupid they can only keep one body function going at a time and that seems to be chewing. They catch up on all the others while they are asleep.

21st June 2005, 01:53 PM
Hmm, good eyes'd be real important when you're asleep. Is it true that they spend their lives stoned on eucalyptus oil?


21st June 2005, 02:00 PM
All you ever wanted to know: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koala

21st June 2005, 02:41 PM
Hmm, good eyes'd be real important when you're asleep. Is it true that they spend their lives stoned on eucalyptus oil?

Not so long ago I encountered one sitting in the middle of the road near my place. I honked my horn a few times and he just sat there. I got out and walked up to him and he just looked at me as if he was looking at something behind me. I shouted "get of the f****** road" and his expression changed to something like "I'm sittin' here." Then when I nudged him with my foot he just shrugged and trotted very slowly off the road. I'm pretty sure he wasn't injured. Just thick and stoned.
To answer your question ..............yes.

21st June 2005, 03:01 PM
Dunno. I've got a siamese with that sort of attitude and he ain't stoned. I won't argue about the 'thick' bit though


21st June 2005, 06:10 PM
Dunno. I've got a siamese with that sort of attitude and he ain't stoned. I won't argue about the 'thick' bit though

Dogs have masters, cats have slaves.