View Full Version : Minwax wipe-on poly
20th June 2005, 12:05 PM
I keep reading about this wipe-on poly, you all seem to rave over it, and now i want to try some, but i can't seem to find an equivalent here in the sunny UK.
Are there any other makers, or is it possible to mix it your self?
20th June 2005, 12:36 PM
mix ur own if you like , roughly 1/3 tung , 1/3 poly , 1/3 boiled linseed , maybe a little terebine for faster drying (already some in the boiled linseed) . Try searching the forums , I think there's a few recipes.
20th June 2005, 03:46 PM
Matt, have a look here, send them an email and see if they have suppiers in your area.
20th June 2005, 05:39 PM
AUGUST 2005 Fine Woodworking has a review of wipe-on finishes. Basically TCALSS the MinMax wipe-on Poly wins hands down - both quality and value!!
22nd June 2005, 12:45 PM
As a follow-up, I trooped off to Bunnings to buy a litre of the Minmax wipe-on poly to muck around with, based on the good review it got in FineWoodworking, and the price which was $5.95 per quart (916ml), given that that is American I would have felt that after dollar conversion, import duties and extra profit margin somewhere around $18-20 per litre would have been reasonable. Not the case, it was listed at $29.95, which seems a pretty steep mark-up?
22nd June 2005, 01:45 PM
As a follow-up, I trooped off to Bunnings to buy a litre of the Minmax wipe-on poly to muck around with, based on the good review it got in FineWoodworking, and the price which was $5.95 per quart (916ml), given that that is American I would have felt that after dollar conversion, import duties and extra profit margin somewhere around $18-20 per litre would have been reasonable. Not the case, it was listed at $29.95, which seems a pretty steep mark-up?
I think you answered your own question, starts with 'B'.
23rd June 2005, 12:42 PM
in fact after all the rave about the MinWax wipe-on poly I shot off to Bunnies in Perth - Balcatta to get some. Alas - no such product at our Bunnies here.
Only some of the other MinWax products.
23rd June 2005, 12:53 PM
I got some this morning at Bunnings - Morayfield. Your Bunnings should be able to get it for you.
23rd June 2005, 01:19 PM
Are there any alternatives to the big B?
23rd June 2005, 02:04 PM
Are there any alternatives to the big B?
Look here :)
23rd June 2005, 02:10 PM
Thanks DPB - you just beat me to it - I had done a google search and also found the link.
I fear poor Globak may have been scared away for these forums by the reponse he got in January. Its a shame the we did not have the FWW review at that time as he may have got a different response.
Anyway just a quick check shows ahe logged in 2 weeks ago so perhaps he might come back.
I will PM him.
23rd June 2005, 03:11 PM
Globak Paints & Chemicals
Docklands - Antiques-Reproductions &/Or Restorations
Contact Details
Contact Name:
Address: New Quay Promenade
Docklands, VIC, 3008
Telephone: 03 9600 3428
No web that I could find.
25th June 2005, 06:46 AM
Gonna have to try some of this stuff.
Will have a go at mixing my own, but it's a bit difficult to get tung oil in my neck of the woods. Can you use any other oil, and would this affect the ratio's?
25th June 2005, 12:18 PM
pretty sure u want Tung (pure) and Poly in 1/3 amounts , not sure if you can swap out the linseed for something else !
25th June 2005, 05:58 PM
Not sure if you are trying to avoid B or have found that B at Fyshwick has none in stock.
FYI B at Tuggeranong has a ton.
For those trying it out some feedback would be good.
25th June 2005, 07:17 PM
Not sure if you are trying to avoid B or have found that B at Fyshwick has none in stock.
FYI B at Tuggeranong has a ton.
For those trying it out some feedback would be good.
not that I need any at the moment but the other day my local B (Parafield) had only the Minwax Antique stuff that I could see , if the wipe-on poly was there it was well hidden .
Graham Sands
27th June 2005, 03:11 PM
I went to Bunnings (Claremont) as well, no MiniWax. The paint chappy looked it up on the computer, all Miniwax products discontinued. I'm not sure if this is just for WA. Strange 'cos Bunnings is a WA company?
27th June 2005, 03:17 PM
This is a worry. I guess that's the problem when the distributor, a small player with a limited range, gets the Bunnings account then rests on his laurels. It was never going to be a top seller against better known brands, and few people would experiment with a purchase cost of $29.00. No demand, no volume, no product!:( :(
Graham Sands
27th June 2005, 03:27 PM
I subsequently rang the Globak number in Docklands listed in Iains post earlier on.
27th June 2005, 04:14 PM
I subsequently rang the Globak number in Docklands listed in Iains post earlier on.
I'm off to Bunnings then , see what they have left and buy some more ;)
I'm's just down the road from work :D
Bunnings Scoresby have plenty, both gloss and satin.
2nd February 2006, 08:32 PM
Got some wipe-on poly today.
Am currently testing it out.
Maybe it's just me, but is seem's to smell and feel a hell of a lot like Penetrol??:confused: not that Penetrol is much cheaper..:rolleyes: