22nd March 2014, 07:32 PM
SWMBO calling refrigerator repair service:
"My refrigerator isn't working!"
"What kind is it?"
"It's a small one."
"Electric, gas or propane?"
"Ah! Then the problem is most likely vapor lock.
You don't need a service call, just turn the
refrigerator upside down for a few minutes to allow
the lock to clear. Then put it back and all should
be well"
Second call, a few minutes later: "The least you
could have done is to tell me to empty the fridge first!"
"My refrigerator isn't working!"
"What kind is it?"
"It's a small one."
"Electric, gas or propane?"
"Ah! Then the problem is most likely vapor lock.
You don't need a service call, just turn the
refrigerator upside down for a few minutes to allow
the lock to clear. Then put it back and all should
be well"
Second call, a few minutes later: "The least you
could have done is to tell me to empty the fridge first!"