View Full Version : Securing an outdoor cupboard to glass window

Reno RSS Feed
13th February 2014, 12:20 PM
Hi all - great forum!

we have just moved into an apartment with a large balcony/terrace. It's up on the 7th floor and it can get very windy up there. We would like to install a tall outdoor cupboard for storing all of our outdoor stuff but we only have glass panels to affix to (there are no concrete panels, just glass and the slim aluminium frames for the glass).

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how we could fix the cupboard to the glass windows? We are most likely going to get one of those heavy plastic Keter brand cupboards so due to the wind, it needs to be secured to the building.

Any suggestions are much appreciated!

Thanks :)

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/securing-outdoor-cupboard-glass-window-111955/)