View Full Version : Another Need A Caption, Reply, Question Take #7

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4th November 2014, 12:08 PM
All gone quiet on this one, so I'll call it.

I liked The Duke's "anyone for a romp in the hay"

Go for it, Duke.

A Duke
4th November 2014, 02:42 PM
All gone quiet on this one, so I'll call it.

I liked The Duke's "anyone for a romp in the hay"

Go for it, Duke.OK here you go 330243

4th November 2014, 04:24 PM
Constable plod really needs a refresher on the high-speed parking course.

Sawdust Maker
4th November 2014, 07:38 PM
The parking cop needs to go to specsavers

4th November 2014, 08:25 PM
How to get you mates out of a divvy van after a good night out....

4th November 2014, 08:28 PM
Sarg we have a problem

4th November 2014, 09:26 PM
The officer is currently being counseled on his prisoner loading technique

4th November 2014, 10:30 PM
this what happens when you light farts in a closed space.

A Duke
9th November 2014, 10:28 AM

A Duke
11th November 2014, 10:17 PM
How to get you mates out of a divvy van after a good night out....Hi'
I will go with this one.
All yours fly.

Our little gang of competitors seems to be shrinking.
I was expecting some thing along the lines of 'the new sobriety test is more fun than the walking along the white line one.'
An old joke from the hippy times keeps recurring, 'If pigs could fly, we would not have to give them squad cars.'

12th November 2014, 06:46 AM
I have absolutely no idea what is going on here so I'll let you tell me.

Sawdust Maker
12th November 2014, 07:16 AM
deportment school

Cliff Rogers
12th November 2014, 09:17 AM
That would be one way to get deported I reckon. :think:

A Duke
12th November 2014, 11:27 AM
Testing the new lead jacket for the new solution to the boat problem.

20th November 2014, 07:25 AM
deportment school
Sorry it took me so long but I think I'll go with this one.

The website I got it from said it was something to do with bread?
I think its cucumbers on their gobs,

I would have thought "cucumber sandwiches for the queen are made differently in ungy bungy".

20th November 2014, 10:34 PM
Sorry it took me so long but I think I'll go with this one.

The website I got it from said it was something to do with bread?
I think its cucumbers on their gobs,

I would have thought "cucumber sandwiches for the queen are made differently in ungy bungy".

Wow. I vote that fly wins. :D

20th November 2014, 11:31 PM
That was my comment to my own strange image.
I've already passed on the baton of funny

Sawdust Maker
21st November 2014, 01:20 PM
not sure this has been used but anyway


21st November 2014, 01:24 PM
And you thought bugs hitting the windscreen was a problem.

A Duke
21st November 2014, 01:29 PM
1) Duck!

2( F**k!

3) Timber!

21st November 2014, 01:59 PM
After eating his apple, Ted needed a toothpick.
He had no idea how much of a toothpick he was going to get.

tea lady
21st November 2014, 02:24 PM
Crap. Wasted all that time cleaning the windshield at the last petrol station. 5 minutes of my life I won't get back.

Cliff Rogers
21st November 2014, 02:30 PM

21st November 2014, 02:43 PM
The makings of a log jam

21st November 2014, 03:44 PM
Fred suddenly realised why tailgating isn't a good idea

21st November 2014, 05:02 PM
Did I bring spare underwear!

Skew ChiDAMN!!
21st November 2014, 08:22 PM
Stupid truckies... I'm a DOG catcher!

Skew ChiDAMN!!
21st November 2014, 08:24 PM
Hey, kids? Enough of the I-Spy, let's play Pick-Up-Sticks!

Skew ChiDAMN!!
21st November 2014, 08:25 PM
Carry a chainsaw in the boot for 25 years and on the first day I drive a courtesy car...? :rolleyes:

21st November 2014, 09:15 PM

A Duke
22nd November 2014, 09:34 AM
Plenty of FOR (found on road) for the next wood turner who happens along.

23rd November 2014, 10:06 AM
Oh, S***

Sawdust Maker
24th November 2014, 02:18 PM
Crap. Wasted all that time cleaning the windshield at the last petrol station. 5 minutes of my life I won't get back.

all pretty good
but I'll go with this one as it appeals to my quirky sense of humour
over to you TL

tea lady
24th November 2014, 11:58 PM
all pretty good
but I'll go with this one as it appeals to my quirky sense of humour
over to you TLWhy thank you? :D How's this one?


25th November 2014, 12:19 AM
Aquaman as a kid.

Sawdust Maker
25th November 2014, 08:03 AM
Nobody ever talks about the hidden genetic dangers of snorkling

Cliff Rogers
25th November 2014, 09:09 AM
They just don't make mermaids like they used to.

A Duke
25th November 2014, 10:07 AM
That head was not as tasty as it looked.

25th November 2014, 07:51 PM
You got problem mate!
At least I don't need some dumb tank idea to breathe with

25th November 2014, 09:02 PM
Blondie's attempts to use fishoil as a replacement for botox were not entirely successful.

25th November 2014, 09:58 PM
Hey Pal, Watch where your shoving that snorkel!!!

26th November 2014, 07:44 PM
Talk about being fed up to the gills

26th November 2014, 10:14 PM
"My gills are aliiiive with the sound of muuuusiiic"

Ha ha you'll all have that going around in your heads for hours now.:U

(Why should I be the only one :~)

A Duke
8th December 2014, 08:47 PM

10th January 2015, 07:50 PM
Has this thread finally died and needs to be ceremoniously buried or do we resuccitate it?

Cliff Rogers
10th January 2015, 08:45 PM
Hey TL, you have to pick somebody, WAKE UP! :D

tea lady
11th January 2015, 05:12 PM
They just don't make mermaids like they used to.You better have a go then Cliff. :U

(sheesh. I was, like, BUSY. :q:cool:)

Cliff Rogers
11th January 2015, 05:20 PM
You better have a go then Cliff. :U

(sheesh. I was, like, BUSY. :q:cool:)

Ta, I'll be back shortly.

Cliff Rogers
11th January 2015, 05:30 PM
OK, lets see what you can do with this.

11th January 2015, 06:44 PM
They spent so much on the rocket candles I only got a cookie instead of a cake.
Well the jokes on them cos I'm eating it all myself.....

A Duke
11th January 2015, 06:50 PM
Some pyromaniacs never grow up.

Cliff Rogers
12th January 2015, 11:24 AM
So is that it? Just 3 of us left now? :?

tea lady
12th January 2015, 11:26 AM
Isn't the rocket supposed to go UNDER the cake?

12th January 2015, 11:28 AM
So is that it? Just 3 of us left now? :?

Looks like it :(

Cliff Rogers
12th January 2015, 02:21 PM
Some pyromaniacs never grow up.

OK, I'm going with this one 'cos it is a truth. :D

The people who found those candles are known for their bonfires. :2tsup:

A Duke
12th January 2015, 05:42 PM
That was quick, try this cartoon

12th January 2015, 09:16 PM
That's what happens when your dog is a cross between a bull terrier and a shitzu - it bullshitzu :p

(Sorry - best I can do on a Monday evening:U)

(And as for the previous one, only just saw it tonight so "By the time Cliff finished blowing out the candles he was another year older - well, he felt like it anyway")

Cliff Rogers
12th January 2015, 10:03 PM
...it bullshitzu ...
Winner. :2tsup:

Cliff Rogers
12th January 2015, 10:05 PM
That was quick, try this cartoon
Weighting to go for a walk.

12th January 2015, 10:20 PM
The lapdogs wanted her lap back

A Duke
16th January 2015, 11:28 AM
The lapdogs wanted her lap backHi,
Well we do not seem to have many takers these days. I will go with this one, it was a toss up with Cliff's but as he has just had one it fell this way.
Take it away rwbuild.

17th January 2015, 09:14 PM
I have a suggestion to put some new life into this thread.

How about doing it in reverse. Post the description/comment and let everyone post a photo to fit it and then choose the best photo.

Or we just forget about this thread all together.

Comments, opinions welcome.

17th January 2015, 10:08 PM
I sort of gave up when A picked B and B picked C and C picked A again.
wasn't worth the effort anymore.

Cliff Rogers
17th January 2015, 10:18 PM
It get seem that way at times.

Sawdust Maker
18th January 2015, 11:22 AM
I'm still in just didn't have anything witty (IMHO) on the last one and missed the one before:doh:

19th January 2015, 09:41 AM
weight for it

15th February 2015, 10:01 PM

Loosely translated, it means "after successful bum lift operation"

I can't translate the 2nd picture without offending anyone

16th February 2015, 07:45 AM
Pretty hard to offend anyone here, but those pics go close!

16th February 2015, 04:04 PM
1) Coming or going?
2) Cod help us?

16th February 2015, 04:52 PM
Big Bertha and Little Freddie

Sawdust Maker
16th February 2015, 09:45 PM

Cliff Rogers
16th February 2015, 11:25 PM

16th February 2015, 11:37 PM
image001.jpg (http://www.woodworkforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=340091&stc=1&d=1424090240)

A Duke
11th March 2015, 02:17 PM