View Full Version : dangerous driving

12th December 2013, 09:25 PM
What is worse,than some idiot tailgating you,at night,with their high beams on? When its a copper!! This happened to me tonight,so i pulled to the side of the road,and waited for for him to pull up next to me..but he went down another road instead :~..so i waited :~,and when he appeared,i called him over and gave him a verbal regarding the dangers of tailgating with high beam on :o..he slipped into denial,then got angry,then asked for my license,then proceeded with a patronising remark,'have a nice day'...:no::no::no:..MM:2tsup:

12th December 2013, 10:10 PM
Sometmes I wonder about highway patrol cops doing 8 hour shifts out on country roads.

I mean, all the adds we get , especially atthis time of year , about "driver reviver" , stop and rest after two hours etc . etc.

These guys- the coppers, do long shifts and many, many miles. They must get well beyond tired and irritable.

12th December 2013, 10:46 PM
Sometmes I wonder about highway patrol cops doing 8 hour shifts out on country roads.

I mean, all the adds we get , especially atthis time of year , about "driver reviver" , stop and rest after two hours etc . etc.

These guys- the coppers, do long shifts and many, many miles. They must get well beyond tired and irritable.This was not a highway patrol copper,but a local one..his reaction to me,when challenged, was disturbing to say the least..luckily i had a witness in the car,and she to gave him a serve :) ...the lights from his car were so bright,that i had to re-position my rear view mirror in order to deflect the light elsewhere from my face,and all the while bozzo is fair up my clappa,but no flashing lights.I was seriously blinded and was having great difficulty navigating myself home..and for a distance had nowhere to pull over :no:,truly bloody frightening :(..MM

12th December 2013, 11:08 PM
It always bothers me that we have amazing coms technology but we can't easily communicate with motor vehicle drivers in our immediate vicinity.
I wonder what the law would say about having a red/orange LED rolling sign display on the back&front of vehicles.
The unit could be controlled by a bunch of preprogrammed messages that could be activated by the driver under voice command or we could just speak our mind.

12th December 2013, 11:25 PM
I wonder what the law would say about having a red/orange LED rolling sign display on the back&front of vehicles.
The unit could be controlled by a bunch of preprogrammed messages that could be activated by the driver under voice command or we could just speak our mind.He obviously didn't see my vertical finger so i reckon an LED rolling sign would work a treat :;..we actually didn't even know it was a police car at first,instead,i thought it was a drunk yobbo trying to be cute :doh:,but when we finally managed to pull off the road,we noticed it was in fact the law.Coppers are NOT above the law,and when they behave irresponsibly,they should be placed on notice..just like the rest of us..MM:2tsup:

tea lady
13th December 2013, 12:04 AM
You should report him.

I have fantisized about having signs on the back too. but is would probably be illegal to use them, like texting and driving. :doh:

13th December 2013, 09:09 AM
You should report him.

I will be reporting him alright..MM:2tsup:

13th December 2013, 09:10 AM
What if it hadn't been your friendly neighbourhood cop but the drunk yobbo that you pulled up? The outcome could have been quite a bit more painful.
Your rear view mirror has a little switch to tilt it down for just this occasion.

13th December 2013, 10:03 AM
I've often pondered an led sign for the back of the vehicle


The Turning Cowboy

13th December 2013, 10:10 AM
What if it hadn't been your friendly neighbourhood cop but the drunk yobbo that you pulled up? The outcome could have been quite a bit more painful.
Your rear view mirror has a little switch to tilt it down for just this occasion.
Geoff.Absolutely correct :2tsup:..the outcome would have been more painful :wink:,more painful for the drunkin yobo :cool:...MM:2tsup:

13th December 2013, 10:12 AM
Add me to the list of people who have thought of some sort of pop-up sign in the back window - just one sign - "Don't Tailgate"

I would back this up with a rear-facing extremely bright floodlight for the cretins who sit behind you on high beam, but I have looked into that one and it is definitely illegal.

Tailgating is probably the biggest cause of accidents but it is harder to measure than speed or blood alcohol content. If the government was really concerned about the road toll and not revenue raising then the cops would be targeting tailgating. Its just too hard to detect and then prove in court if necessary so without a financial incentive for the government they just let it go.


13th December 2013, 10:20 AM
What if it hadn't been your friendly neighbourhood cop
Geoff.Their was nothing friendly about this copper...he truly lost the plot...i had to tell him to stop pointing his 'chicken wing' arm at me as i felt he was going to strike me...i think all the armory he had strapped to his body made him feel more tough...god knows :?...MM:2tsup:

13th December 2013, 10:23 AM
Add me to the list of people who have thought of some sort of pop-up sign in the back window - just one sign - "Don't Tailgate"

I would back this up with a rear-facing extremely bright floodlight for the cretins who sit behind you on high beam, but I have looked into that one and it is definitely illegal.

Tailgating is probably the biggest cause of accidents but it is harder to measure than speed or blood alcohol content. If the government was really concerned about the road toll and not revenue raising then the cops would be targeting tailgating. Its just too hard to detect and then prove in court if necessary so without a financial incentive for the government they just let it go.


Timless Timber
13th December 2013, 01:36 PM
I've experienced this from behind and on coming vehicles.

These days its just not the issue it once was.

In days of yore - I wanted to mount an RPG frot and rear and eliminate such tools from our roads at the push of a button.

Yes it got me to the point of road rage.

Then I figured out it was all due to myopia - short sightedness the lens of your eye scatters the light rays all around inside your eyeballs.... and plays havoc with your head!

For a while prescription glasses sorted it.

But then your eyes deteriorate a little more and your specs script is out of date and your back to hating the other drivers again.

Finally I had lasic eye surgery and no longer wear glasses.

If I keep the windsceen clean (Wiper washer fluid topped off with cleaner in it not just water) then high beams from in front or behind aren't an issue anymore.

I'd really suggest you do an eye test - if you felt blinded enough to confront a copper then likely your eyesight's in need of a checkup.

I've bin there n done that - from nopt ebing able to drive more than 2 hours without nodding off at the wheel due to eye strain - to now 8 hour stints with no problem - that's the difference of having 20/20 vision.

Trust me - get your eyes checked pardner. :cool:


tea lady
13th December 2013, 02:45 PM
Those modern head lights are bright even on low beem too.

13th December 2013, 04:03 PM
Copper did it to me once on country road, bl@@@y roo jumped in front of me (:p) I braked and end result tailgate of ute undamaged, police car right-off and cop taken to hospital for observation.
Insurance and dept gave me clean bill, I think he retired from force????:D

Miss Lu Lu
13th December 2013, 06:14 PM
Those modern head lights are bright even on low beem too.
Too Right!
I thought we were not meant to look into LED light, it is too bright. I have excellent eyes and these lights are not only blinding but they hurt.
It does not help that the white lines on the sides of the road are too dim to see, so when blinded by NEW CARS headlights you can not even tell if still on the road. None of this discussion so far covers the actual damage to the brain, eye and nervous system by these LED or HID Headlights.

Two Questions-
Are they really Legal here? and when will the class action begin?.:doh: Because Road Rage is not the Answer MM.

Timless Timber
13th December 2013, 07:04 PM
Even if your vehicle has its headlights adjusted correctly so that these new HID LED low beam doesn't shine into oncoming vehicles windscreen - you only have to put something heavy into the boot - and without auto load leveling suspension - suddenly your pointing your low beams into oncoming drivers eyes.

IMHO it should not be legal to retro fit these HID type kits into older cars without the auto leveling suspensions.

Provided they are adjusted right they aren't a real problem on the road IMHO...provided your windscreen is CLEAN and your eyesight is 20 / 20 or better.

IF you have an older car and the windscreen hasn't been replaced recently - they can and do get 'crazed' - i.e. some kind of refractory problem where they are almost impossible to see out of direct into the setting sun for e.g. I've heard it suggested its gum spots from eucalyptus trees that cause the problem.

I'm told that you can clean them - with metho and folded newspaper, but that 0000 grade steel wool will definitely help get them back to crystal clean - BUT I do think it's probably a good idea every say 5 years or so to just elbow your screen to break it and get a new one on insurance so that your dealing with new un-crazed / clean glass.

Being able to see properly out of your windscreen in ALL conditions - goes a LONG way to avoiding accidents IMHO.

Others mileage may vary.

13th December 2013, 07:19 PM
Because Road Rage is not the Answer MM.So true Miss Lou Lou..nor is lying dead in a morgue because of someones idiotic actions...the situation was a double whammy,i was not only tailgated,but blinded as well,in a 100km zone,and nowhere safe to pull over..got nothing to do with my eyesight,got nothing to do with me wanting to vent anger towards anyone,got to do with a copper who decided to have a brain fade and endangered my LIFE in the process..MM:2tsup:

14th December 2013, 12:00 AM
Tailgating is one of my personal hates. I think I inherited this trait from my father, who when confronted with the situation would let it ride for a while, then place his left foot gently on the brake pedal while accelerating. The vehicle behind would slam on the anchors and even the stupid ones seemed to keep a better distance after that.

Myself, I just set the speed on cruise control, flip up the rear view mirror if the night position is insufficient and try to think of something else.

Plan "B" has always been that of Tonto. Those pesky roos can jump out from anywhere :), but I've never had to invoke that course of action.

MM as you got to speak to the offending officer, you could have taken his number and the car rego and submitted a report. Probably a bit late now and of course you do have to be very certain your car is 100% as they can find fault very easily. Even a brand new car is not immune to scrutiny.


14th December 2013, 12:28 AM
I will be reporting him alright..MM:2tsup:

Report him to the company that covers his insurance, and not the police department. They typically have a three (3) strikes and your out rule ie they refuse to cover that particular person.

This in effect means that three (3) complaints and his employer, in this case the QLD police Dept, does not have insurance cover for them, and subsequently has to dismiss them.

14th December 2013, 12:45 AM
I've experienced this from behind and on coming vehicles.

These days its just not the issue it once was.

In days of yore - I wanted to mount an RPG frot and rear and eliminate such tools from our roads at the push of a button.

Yes it got me to the point of road rage.

Then I figured out it was all due to myopia - short sightedness the lens of your eye scatters the light rays all around inside your eyeballs.... and plays havoc with your head!

For a while prescription glasses sorted it.

But then your eyes deteriorate a little more and your specs script is out of date and your back to hating the other drivers again.

Finally I had lasic eye surgery and no longer wear glasses.

If I keep the windsceen clean (Wiper washer fluid topped off with cleaner in it not just water) then high beams from in front or behind aren't an issue anymore.

I'd really suggest you do an eye test - if you felt blinded enough to confront a copper then likely your eyesight's in need of a checkup.

I've bin there n done that - from nopt ebing able to drive more than 2 hours without nodding off at the wheel due to eye strain - to now 8 hour stints with no problem - that's the difference of having 20/20 vision.

Trust me - get your eyes checked pardner. :cool:

CheersI think the copper should be the one having an eye test, Timeless..after all.he was the one that was obviously needing extra light to see where he was going :rolleyes:...i think most people in my situation would have had the same problem,as my friend who was with me has 20/20 vision,and she to found the light confronting.The reason i thought it may have been a drunkin yobo,was the fact that he appeared so FAST on my radar...he was hooting :o,and with no flashing lights to indicate that it was a lawful pursuit...whilst he didn't say sorry,his only explaination was that he had responding to a call out,and that statement had little relevance to what had just unfolded on the highway..MM:2tsup:

14th December 2013, 08:23 AM
Those modern head lights are bright even on low beam too.
A bit of an aside but add these modern lights to a roughish road and it looks as if oncoming cars are flashing their lights at you. A number of times I've checked the speedo thinking I'm being warned about a speed trap.

15th December 2013, 09:28 AM
Not a pleasant event MM.!!:no::no:

Ana and I had a bad experience with a B-doule one night on the way to Grafton.
We were doing 100 (Legal limit) when this clown caught up with us. He was so
close it was impossible to see his number plate or bumper bar in the mirror.
There was nowhere for me to pull over and once I got to 110 I did not deem it
safe to go any faster.This went on for kilometers until I finally reached the Tucabia
turn off where I put the blinker on and made a left hand turn.

This turkey made no effort to move out just a little and must have been a coat of
paint from cleaning us up. We had rung the main roads people ( got their number off a sign)
but they were not interested.

Another group of idiots who annoy me are the ones who sit on your tail when you are doing
110 on the inside lane in a 110 zone. Just who do they think they are??

19th December 2013, 01:47 PM
+1 for hating tailgaters. If I'm on the highway and in the left lane doing the limit with a vacant outside lane when I get tailgated I usually just lift my foot off the accelerator. Some tailgaters still seem bent on staying behind me, to the point where I've drifted down to 50kph before they'll pass. Of course I wouldn't do that on a busy road. Very annoying...

20th December 2013, 05:58 PM
I had just driven into our street one night and some car coming towards me had full beam on. So I gave a single quick blip of mine as a gesture to the other driver to dip his headlights.

Just as he passed me the lights on top of his vehicle were turned on. Yes it was a policeman driving in a built up area with full beam on. I'm normally very submissive to police when I'm in the wrong but this just made me instantly angry and I slammed the anchors on, feeling full of fight to this idiot cop. Next thing I know he turned his blue flashy light off and continued on his way.

21st December 2013, 12:10 AM
I had just driven into our street one night and some car coming towards me had full beam on. So I gave a single quick blip of mine as a gesture to the other driver to dip his headlights.

Just as he passed me the lights on top of his vehicle were turned on. Yes it was a policeman driving in a built up area with full beam on. I'm normally very submissive to police when I'm in the wrong but this just made me instantly angry and I slammed the anchors on, feeling full of fight to this idiot cop. Next thing I know he turned his blue flashy light off and continued on his way.Another familiar tune:whistling2:...it does make one angry,when the ones that are supposed to be upholding the law,blatantly disregard it..he must of got his license out of a box of corn flakes too:doh3:..thanks for sharing your story beefy..MM:2tsup:

tea lady
21st December 2013, 06:42 AM
Was tail gated on th eastern freeway ( in Melbourne) once, and I slowed right down. But it just so happened that right at the exact same time the littleish truck in front of us (about 100 meters ahead) had a tire blow out. Black smoke then bits of tire flying everywhere. My stupid tail gater prolly thought I somehow new it was going to happen, cos if it wasn't for me slowing us down we would have been showered in tire. :rolleyes: