View Full Version : burning timber, help

la Huerta
2nd June 2005, 09:18 AM
need some advice on burning old oregon with a blowtourch to get a wenge color...all hint and tips would be greatly appriecated...

2nd June 2005, 01:06 PM
Take it a bit at a time and see. Watch out for cracking. Oregon has distinct growth rings with differing hardness and you're likely to get a sandblasted effect that you may or may not want.

You may need to finish with a stain or shellac anyway to get an even result.

Edit: I've scorched silver birch - just the rim of a bowl - with good results; and cypress and English Ash bowls on the outside with lots of cracking as a result. I only have one blowtorch but I'd guess that quick and high heat might reduce cracking.