View Full Version : Three biscuits

Allan at Wallan
1st December 2013, 05:25 PM
"Fenderbelly" and "Rodgera" go into a pastry shop where Rodgera whisks
three biscuits into his pocket with lightning speed. The baker did not
notice this.

Rodgera said, "See how clever I am. You'll never beat that".

Fenderbelly said to the baker, "Give me a biscuit please, I will show you
a magic trick". The baker gave him a biscuit which he promptly ate.

He followed this up by obtaining another two biscuits and scoffed them down.

The baker was now getting a little annoyed and said, "Ok, where are
the three biscuits".

Fenderbelly replied, "Look in Rodgera's pocket".

2nd December 2013, 04:31 PM
LUV THAT What justice!!!

2nd December 2013, 10:19 PM
ooo I'm famous now:B