View Full Version : New member - Central Queensland

26th November 2013, 09:22 PM
Hi. My name is Mike. Recently joined for viewing but this is my first post. As per the title, I an in central Qld. Mainly interested in guitar amp cabinets and bee hives. I have high school woodworking skills so in need of some advice. Currently have some second hand gear and am keen to service it before digging into some wood.

So, any advice on getting a Ryobi Hbt250 table saw up to scratch would be appreciated


26th November 2013, 09:41 PM
Welcome to the forum Mike.

26th November 2013, 10:10 PM
Gidday & welcome aboard Mike, may your journey with us be a pleasant one.

28th November 2013, 08:40 AM
Welcome to the forum

28th November 2013, 09:14 AM
G'Day & Welcome to a top forum "Mike".
There are quite a few members in and around central Queensland.....
You'll find a heap of helpful & knowledgeable blokes & ladies on the forum and for most very willing to assist.
Make sure you show off your handiwork as everyone loves a photo, especially WIP [Work In Progress] photos with build notes.
Enjoy the forum.
Enjoy your woodwork..
Cheers crowie

PS - I can't help on the saw but may i suggest you ask the question in the following sub-sections
GENERAL & SMALL MACHINERY (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f155/)
RADIAL ARM SAWS, MOULDERS, THICKNESSERS, ETC (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f154/)
TABLE SAWS & COMBINATIONS (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f153/)

29th November 2013, 06:38 AM
Welcome to the forum.

As Crowie has mention in his post take a look at the links and feel free to start a new thread as a work in progress on the refurb.