View Full Version : verandah construction
1st June 2005, 11:04 AM
I need to continue a verandah around the front of the house. I dont want to dig out too much so there wont be room for a normal joist on bearer construction. What I want to do is have the bearer as normal then instead of sitting the joists on top I want to use joist hangers on the sides of the bearers to take the joists. Can anyone see any problems with this. Another option would be to get the top mount joist hangers as used with the I beams.
2nd June 2005, 07:53 PM
so if I understand correctly, you wish to make a matrix frame where all members are the same height? If so, it will work no problems as far as I can see. I would however recommend using a nail gun to fix as opposed to bashing the hell out of the hangers as each board goes down. ...... OF course, I may be a mile off in my understanding here so, do you have a scanner so that you could do a rough sketch and post here?
have fun
2nd June 2005, 08:18 PM
Yep that is no problem structurally, but make sure you use connector nails specially designed for nailing joist hangers. Do not use ordinary clouts etc... You may have ventilation and moisture problems tho if the soil is that close to the timber.