View Full Version : Lantern Finish

Grahame Collins
31st May 2005, 10:32 PM
I am making some old timey like wooden frame candle lanterns in connection with my blackpowder shooting sport. The timber is mernati. yeah iam a cheapy and like the look of the stuff
They are intended as trophy prizes for an up comming shoot.
I intend to use sanding sealer with a cover over exterior finish polyurethane laquer. Is the the correct fiinsh for something that could spend some time in the elements - say several days a year?
Now the Duh ! question. i am well aware that U beaut supports the forums.

Where do i look for the products, or are they are mail order type purchase ?

Ta muchly


la Huerta
1st June 2005, 12:31 AM
maranti, crickey you are cheap...just kidding...yes finishing of this way will be fine but use something like feast watson weather proof or any similar product with uv resistance...have fun

1st June 2005, 10:36 PM
For info on u beaut products go to the bottom of this page & click on the link.
You can buy direct from Neil or there are various stockists arround.