View Full Version : finishing my hall table

31st May 2005, 10:54 AM
Thanks to everyone for advice on resins. I had a go on the weekend and it came out a treat - except for one hole where the resin seeped away after I had finished. bugger.

The table is from recycled Aust mahogany (mid red/brown colour). I was proposing to finish with tung oil (2 coats) and then some ubeaut trad wax. (many coats). Being a furniture novice, I'm seeking a bit of advice about this proposal. Is there a better option?

I've got Neil's bible on finishing - it is really helpful. It also mentions organoil - the one that you apply using a ROS. Any thoughts on that process?

Thanks in advance


31st May 2005, 11:07 AM
I don't know whether organ oil's hard burnishing oil would be the go here. Yes, it's best applied with a ROS but I'm thinking a hall table would be difficult to do properly like that. A wide flat surface would be easy to burnish but all the legs, corners etc would be difficult.

It depends on the finish you want of course. Ubeaut hard shellac comes up an absolute treat, especially after a final coat of EEE. That would give a high gloss finish but there are other methods in the book for dulling down finishes as well. I also use Traditional Wax a fair bit for a nice sheen.

You could also consider Minwax wipe-on poly which gives a nice finish, not at all plastic looking and is available from Bunnings.