View Full Version : Taxi Driving In Melbourne

Metal Head
27th October 2013, 01:19 PM

8 months on and I still haven't been able to find work:(. A few people have mentioned why not become a taxi driver? However, I don't know how to go about it?

Are there any members out there who have been, or are presently working within the industry who could shed some light on it.

I would also like to know:-

How long does the course last and what is the approximate cost?
Is the uniform free?
What types of shifts can be done and how long can they be generally?
What would you say (if possible) is the average $$ per hour?
Any other information that a possible newbie should be aware of?

Thanking those in advance of their reply.


27th October 2013, 01:58 PM
Not in the industry but why not start your enquiries with Taxi Directorate or Vicroads. They should be able to point you in the right direction.

27th October 2013, 02:34 PM
First forget anything you know about where anything is in Melbourne, you don't want to show up the other drivers
Then change your nationality, preferably to indian or Pakistani
Now forget how to indicate or give way
forget anything you know about lane discipline

You should be ready to go….

We need a sarcasm font

27th October 2013, 03:23 PM
Might want to stop showering too.

What fields of work do you previously hail from? (hail...taxi...oh dear. :no:)


27th October 2013, 06:09 PM
Sorry, I am not in the industry.
From what I understand, a lot of taxi drivers might earn $8 an hour. The shifts could be up to 12 hours and most shift vacancies will probably be at the undesirable times when there may be fewer fares.
Apart from the course, you will need to pass a medical and police check.

Have you considered applying for employment as a bus driver? You will require a medium rigid license or above but some companies will train you to obtain this. You will still need a driver's authority so again you will need to pass a medical and police check.

Hope this has been of assistance.

Robson Valley
18th November 2013, 04:21 AM
Then, you disable your speedometer to show nothing below 70kph.
90kph down Bell Street was an experience.

Friend of mine had a good job with some federal government agency.

Anyway, bored to tears when he retired. So, he jumped through all the hoops
and wound up driving a big truck, bulk hauling milk from dairy farms. The hours
were great as was tied to milking times = no night work at all.