View Full Version : Cleaning Silicone
26th October 2013, 06:58 PM
I did a quick search and found nothing pertinent, although I am sure it has been mentioned previously.
I have silicone on the bathroom floor tiles and SWMBO is not impressed. :doh: I tried cleaning it with methylated spirits to no avail.
What can I use? Acetone perhaps? Any help would be appreciated.
Big Shed
26th October 2013, 07:22 PM
One of the quickest ways to turn silicone to jelly is attacking it with petrol, but I'm guessing turps will work as well.
26th October 2013, 10:34 PM
I bought "Silicon Remover" from Bunnings. Not sure what's in it but it worked. Turned the silicone to jelly which you scrape off. Took a few goes to get it all, but it got it in the end.
27th October 2013, 11:24 AM
My first thought was Mineral Turps but perhaps you should check on the cartridge as they usually have some mention of clean up method.
27th October 2013, 11:51 AM
I also used the bunnings product to clean up and separate class to a fish tank and altho it took time with several applications to penetrate the thicker sections it did work.
28th October 2013, 03:52 PM
Just an update. I went to Bunnings and had a look at acetone and also the silicone cleaner, and thought that they may be a bit severe on the tiles. The last thing that I want is to make SWMBO unhappy by damaging the tiles. :C
So I tried petrol with good results, and also mineral turps. I washed over the area afterwards with methylated spirits to remove some of the oiliness and smell.
Whilst I still have some marks to come off, it appears to be that the best results are with petrol. Thought that this may help some.
12th November 2013, 10:56 AM
If you've got a bead say at a 90 degree join the easiest way to remove it IME is to undercut it with a razor blade and then peel it off.
Might work for smears on a tile if that was the problem too, but take care not to chip out the glaze.