View Full Version : Dancing with Dingos.

28th May 2005, 10:10 PM
Do you remember that American fella who got upset about us ribbing him over his "Wokbench". You know, the one who accused us of being a bunch of dingo fanciers (to put it politely). Judging by the number of forum members with doggy pictures in their avatars, he may not have been far from the mark but at any rate he's given me a money making idea.

Let me digress for a moment. As most of you will be aware, Australians have a love/hate relationship with New Zealanders. We love to hate them and they love to hate us. In reality though, we're quite fond of the Kiwis and happy to co-operate with them to beat up the rest of the world at a variety of sports. Besides, its great having a Kiwi as a friend because there's never any need to stress over choosing a birthday present. For a girl, a pair of thongs and for a guy, a blow up plastic sheep - no worries.

Lately though I've been feeling a bit sorry for the Kiwis. I mean they have no way of retaliating and lately we've been beating them at cricket, rugby league, netball and even rugby union.

So then this American fella gives me an idea

Apart from a few sly sales to the real doggy types, I reckon I could make a fortune selling them to the Kiwis as presents for their Aussie friends. What do you reckon?

28th May 2005, 10:29 PM
'n' they could make lambswool covers for them so they can sell em to other Kiwi's

28th May 2005, 10:30 PM
Was going to mention something about velcro and err, handwarmers?

But why are you mentioning it here? An idea like that you should keep quiet about. ;)

28th May 2005, 10:57 PM
And just what have you been drinking tonight? :eek:


28th May 2005, 11:05 PM
Lately though I've been feeling a bit sorry for the Kiwis. I mean they have no way of retaliating and lately we've been beating them at cricket, rugby league, netball and even rugby union.
ColdamusDon't watch the super 12 final they did us
as to big selling items in NZ I believe single ugh boots do quit well only small sizes though
In the US shoe boxes go well as texas coffins,but you gotta give them an enema first.

Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.

28th May 2005, 11:54 PM
Ahh kiwis. New Zeland is like that annoying little brother. You don't hate him but you beat him up a bit ocasionaly, but If anybody has a go at him in the playground you beat the stuffings out of them.
Drops over to visit & stays for a month......

29th May 2005, 12:00 AM
Americans well.
They're the rich kid two strees over, you don't realy like him, but you go over there, drink his mums cordial & ride his bike. Of course He tries to tell you what to do in your own yard. Of course if the rough boys from the other suburb give him a hard time you let the tyres down on their bikes while they're not looking.

journeyman Mick
29th May 2005, 01:07 AM
I like your analogies soundman :)


29th May 2005, 10:32 AM
...for a guy, a blow up plastic sheep - no worries.


For really good mates, you get the premium model with kissable latex lips and electronic edge-of-cliff function. :D

29th May 2005, 04:52 PM
Don't forget that in NZ 'Ewe Boot' has nothing to do with Mr Ellis' fine polishes :D :D :D :D