View Full Version : G'Day

23rd September 2013, 09:20 PM
G'day everyone!!
Matt here, dont mind making a few woodchips, chainsaw or chisel it doesnt matter. Hope to pick up a few tips and a bit of advice. Once did a bit of cabinet making but now an Arborist so still working with wood but in a rawer form. Cheers

23rd September 2013, 09:31 PM
welcome aboard
regards Michael

23rd September 2013, 10:39 PM
Gidday & welcome aboard Matt, may your journey with us be a pleasant one.

25th September 2013, 06:43 AM
welcome aboard

25th September 2013, 12:58 PM
G'Day & Welcome to a top forum "Matt".
There are quite a few members in and around Geelong....
You'll find a heap of helpful & knowledgeable blokes & ladies on the forum and for most very willing to assist.
Make sure you show off your handiwork as everyone loves a photo, especially WIP photos with build notes.
Enjoy the forum.
Enjoy your woodwork.
Cheers crowie

PS - Save the timber you cut down to use of give away.....

26th September 2013, 07:38 PM
Welcome to the forum.

30th September 2013, 07:19 PM
Welcome to the forum Matt.