View Full Version : Damp and humid sub floor

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10th September 2013, 03:00 PM
Hi All,

This post is a follow on from an earlier post regarding a condensation issue I was having in one area of my house.

I apologise in advance for the length of the post, I just wanted to get in as much detail about the problem as possible.

My house is located in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne and the issue I have at hand is that with the extension that I built approx.. 2 yrs ago attached to the existing part of the house and the crawl space under the extension area continues to remain damp and humid. The entire block slopes towards the west and the extension is sitting on concrete stumps and a timber sub floor and this area of the block had to be cut into as it is positioned at the higher end of the block and as a result the outside ground level along the east and approx. half of the south wall sits slightly higher than inside floor level resulting in lost sub floor ventilation along these sections. There are brick vents only along the west wall and exposed section of the south, 6 vents in total. In an attempt to overcome this cross ventilation damp sub floor issue I have installed a 200mm 910 m3/hour, 252.8 l/s mixed flow inline exhaust subfloor fan approx. 5 months ago. I have also insalled 100mm agi pipes along the outside of the retaining walls along with drainage pits etc...

The inline exhaust unit has been installed as per manufactures recommendations

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/damp-humid-sub-floor-110670/)