View Full Version : Leadlight/Copper Foil Courses

3rd September 2013, 06:41 PM
OK! you Leadlighters out there! I am looking for a Leadlight (or preferably Copper Foil) course/workshop in the North, North-east suburbs of Melbourne.

I have sussed out a couple of commercial places and they charge an arm and a leg. To me they appear to want to sell you a whole lot of kit as well as charge you the tuition/material fee. One organisation quoted $426.00 plus a possible further $100 for materials.

Obviously I understand the need to pay for Tuition and materials that I would use, but to purchase the kits before I find out if the craft is suitable for me!!!:no:

Any leads would be appreciated.

3rd September 2013, 06:59 PM

My daughter did a course at Brunswick Tech through Council of Adult Education. That was few years ago now so do not know if the course still runs.

3rd September 2013, 09:18 PM

My daughter did a course at Brunswick Tech through Council of Adult Education. That was few years ago now so do not know if the course still runs.

Thanks Chesand! Nothing on the CAE radar for this year, I have shot off an email enquiring about 2014.