View Full Version : what screw to use to screw 2x4 and 3/4" ply together on concrete wall?

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1st September 2013, 04:50 PM
Hi iam trying to secure the timber frame of my built in wardrobe into the concrete wal. Looking at the ramset concrete wall anchors, they specify the material you are screwing in can only have a max depth of 50mm, but my frame is going to be 45mm +19mm =64mm thickness. What screw or bolt should I use the secure the frame? I will cover the inside of the wardrobe with plywood sheets so the screw or bolts can't be seen. Thanks

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/what-screw-use-screw-2x4-3-4-ply-together-concrete-wall-110597/)