View Full Version : mulga staff treatment

6th July 2013, 03:18 PM
I have a mulga wood staff I fashioned from a tree from central Australia and I want to stain/treat it to bring out the natural timber colour and protect it. My feeling is to use turps/linseed oil only.... is this a good idea.?.. it has currently nothing at all on the surface. cheers for subsequent advice. Ollie

14th July 2013, 07:17 PM
A mulga staff .Now that would look very nice.I made mine from a trunk! of a mountain ash sapling.It was growing too close to the house.It's shoulder high.I carved mine when still green then sanded it. i used "marteak" or "marvear" oil.I rubbed it in,then when dried i use bees wax furniture wax.mine now has a satin feel.It brought out the grain too.So,i'd use either timber oil or furniture wax.

6th August 2013, 10:42 PM
That could work well as a home brew olliearfa. But bear in mind Boiled Linseed Oil already has a solvent in it.

Mulga is very dense so a couple of coats would do the job if you've sanded it finely. Rub down btwn with fine abrasive. Maybe add a third coat depending on what level of sheen/gloss you want.

You could also add some polyurethane to the mix.

'spect you'll have done it by now.