View Full Version : Bummer!!!

14th May 2005, 09:16 AM
On Thurs at "work", I fell between a boat and the wharf, and dislocated and broke my left shoulder.

a) I didn't hit my head & knock myself out & drown
b) it was low tide, so I only had to half-swim a short way to where I could stand on the bottom
c) I was able to get myself up onto the wharf with only one arm (insert ad for LakeHaven gym here:-)

There's a large area on the shoulder which is still numb, so there's the possibility of nerve damage, but I'll know more when I start seeing various quacks next week.

The hosp. used a "date-rape" type drug on me when putting the shoulder back in - they told me I'd be lightly sedated, would probably scream with pain, but wouldn't remember a thing afterwards. Next thing I remember, I was being X-rayed!

And here I was gloating about being semi-retired...

My 2 days a week mucking about with boats had seemed the perfect reward for 15 years in IT, until now.

I'm compiling a list of things to do with one hand; all suggestions appreciated.


14th May 2005, 10:26 AM
Sorry to hear about that arose62. :eek:

I know how painful it is as I broke (chipped, rather) my shoulder and dislocated it many years ago coming off a motorcycle. I could barely move- I don't know how you got back onto the wharf.

As to waht to do with one hand - it might depend on how good you are with your feet :D ... and beyond that I'm not going!


14th May 2005, 07:01 PM
As to waht to do with one hand - it might depend on how good you are with your feet :D ... and beyond that I'm not going!

Ask Zed, he can use his feet too.

Al ;)