View Full Version : Timber and WWW Sydney 2005

13th May 2005, 05:55 PM
Me mate SilentC said we didn’t try hard enough to meet up last year. OK slackers, the man has spoken. Let show him your repentance.

Friday, Saturday or Sunday? Just pick one. :)

13th May 2005, 06:25 PM
Give all three a miss and that way I won't hafta pretend to be polite to yers.......

13th May 2005, 07:45 PM
Me mate SilentC said we didn’t try hard enough to meet up last year. OK slackers, the man has spoken. Let show him your repentance.

Friday, Saturday or Sunday? Just pick one. :)

Would prefer Friday, but for reasons.. etc etc
It has to be Saturday or Sunday for me this year

I've got to go one of the days though, if for no other reason than to flash me cap.

I think I'll give Christopha's demo a miss though. :p

13th May 2005, 08:57 PM
Friday for me, first stop the Ubeaut stand for my forum cap, then hae a look around and drool :D ! See if there is any real "show prices" on the Veritas range (The No 80 Cabinet scraper specifically). With hopefully 300 pancakes in the skyrocket, I can have a good day. Hope to meet some of there.

13th May 2005, 09:12 PM
Friday for me - same as Pat, pick up the cap, then look out for a 6' tall Chinaman or anyone with a Bellingham FB T-shirt.

13th May 2005, 09:33 PM
Sunday for me, best deals then! Also chance to revive the old muffin saga. :rolleyes: Remember Darren?
Are you bringing Jasmine? And MKCL?

14th May 2005, 03:38 PM
Zed and his Muffins became a legend last year, anyone prepared to feed me muffins can have a thirty second discount on all insults! :D

14th May 2005, 06:11 PM
i'll bring some muffins, someone else should have a pancake stall... they'll make a killin'

14th May 2005, 06:49 PM
Would love to go on Friday, but it is going to have to be Saturday. Also have to pick up the cap.

15th May 2005, 08:18 AM
saturday or sunday ?
heaps of work and family commitments lately
i hope there will still be some caps left


15th May 2005, 08:53 AM
Friday if work will allow - otherwise - probably Saturday...
Have to get to meet some of you board scoundrels!!
Guess U Beaut is first stop!!

15th May 2005, 10:54 PM
Friday for me, try to get there before all the school busses arrive!
Neil, do we have to send you a PM for a reserved cap (non foily) or will the thread response be enough? http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif
Hey!! , I've just worked out how to make these smiley thingies work.....DUH! I suppose "thick as two planks" is woodie enough. http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon11.gif

The Hornet
15th May 2005, 11:48 PM
I will be going on Sunday, and walking around, checking out what i want, then going back and making offers, to buy it there and then. I bought my first router a few years back, cost me $149, got free gear with it too. I am hoping to spend about $400- $500 this year, i want to buy some big machines, on the cheap. I may also buy a slab or 2, and make a dining table.
Whats withthe cap talk, do we get a free cap for being roum members?

15th May 2005, 11:53 PM
$400- $500? Tell 'im he's dreamin.

Wood Borer
16th May 2005, 09:38 AM
Whats withthe cap talk, do we get a free cap for being roum members?

I think that's a bit rich!! Neil provides and maintains the Bulletin Board for free and then you are hoping he will give you a $20 cap too! Splutter splutter.

16th May 2005, 10:42 AM
I'll be there Friday, can't spend too much because I'm on limited funds after the LV shipment, but I think I can afford entry and a cap

Greg Ward
16th May 2005, 01:27 PM
I will be going on Sunday, and walking around, checking out what i want, then going back and making offers, to buy it there and then. I bought my first router a few years back, cost me $149, got free gear with it too. I am hoping to spend about $400- $500 this year, i want to buy some big machines, on the cheap. I may also buy a slab or 2, and make a dining table.
Whats withthe cap talk, do we get a free cap for being roum members?
Don't know about the cap, but for the Slab, see me at Boutique Timbers Stand , Outside against west wall, I'll give all members at least 10-15%.

16th May 2005, 03:42 PM
Don't know about the cap, but for the Slab, see me at Boutique Timbers Stand , Outside against west wall, I'll give all members at least 10-15%.

Make mine a slab of Coopers pale and make sure it's nice and cold :cool:

Greg Ward
16th May 2005, 04:22 PM
Make mine a slab of Coopers pale and make sure it's nice and cold :cool:Why would you want a pale cold barrel?

16th May 2005, 11:01 PM
Don't know about the cap, but for the Slab, see me at Boutique Timbers Stand , Outside against west wall, I'll give all members at least 10-15%.
That's not very nice, charging us extra. :rolleyes:

Greg Ward
17th May 2005, 08:16 AM
That's not very nice, charging us extra. :rolleyes:Hovo, You're lucky, you're only 30km north of Rollands Plains (Turn off Tele Point ) where =Mal has around 400cu metres of everything sitting under the grey gums.
Pick up there and save yourself a trip to Sydney, tou won't get charged extra, and will get free bad coffee

18th May 2005, 03:58 PM
I've got to go one of the days though, if for no other reason than to flash me cap.

And T-Shirt! :D :D

18th May 2005, 04:43 PM
And T-Shirt! :D :D

Indeed :D

I'll take my camera in case I bump into any other forum reprobates. ;) :)

20th May 2005, 09:42 PM
I will be there demonstrating on the Saturday if the dates work right, have a wedding in Chatswood to attend on June 18th so sure hope they arent the same day.

Do we pre-order a cap or will there be ones in stock to buy on the day. Been busy with work so missed a lot of the 'cap' talk.

20th May 2005, 09:52 PM
Yeah me too. What Oges just said, about the cap.

20th May 2005, 10:05 PM
You have to ask Neil to sell you one.

They cost about 25 or 28 dollars dependng on the type you want.

Do a search and all will be revealed.

20th May 2005, 10:20 PM
And they are surprisingly good quality too!!.

Not surprising to Neil I'm sure (because he is pretty picky about that sort of stuff), but as one who seems to find a new cap on his desk every other day, I have about a 2% "keeper" rate with caps, and these are UBeaut!



23rd May 2005, 01:52 PM
I'll be there Friday now that I know about the caps.

23rd May 2005, 02:01 PM
OK kids, let get together at 1pm outside the building on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I will be there on Friday and Sunday.

See you there. :)

23rd May 2005, 05:08 PM
Work commitments mean I don't get to go at all this year. :(

So I want everyone to spend an extra few hundred each in my honour. OK :D

If you feel bad about this, just send me the stuff you buy.

23rd May 2005, 05:11 PM
Work commitments mean I don't get to go at all this year. :(

How about I take some photo's of the forum heads that are there on the day I go (Saturday btw)? At least you'll get laugh that way.

23rd May 2005, 06:52 PM
That'd be nice, maybe even a group photo, complete with foilies. :D

24th May 2005, 08:56 AM
By the time we get to Sydney we should have plenty of caps for all (if the rest of the order turns up before we leave), however those who phoned, faxed or pm'd will have theirs saved for them and the others will be first come first searved.

Cheers - Neil :)

24th May 2005, 11:17 AM
neil, just in case - please reserve one for me - foily or no - dont care....


24th May 2005, 11:27 AM
neil, just in case - please reserve one for me - foily or no - dont care....


Neil, you can probably use buttonhole scissors for the slots up the sides for his ears.



25th May 2005, 11:33 PM
Interesting - Wongo's 'outside' meeting place map appears to have the meeting point marked INSIDE the hall......

Well at least its near the Gents & Ladies facilities :rolleyes:

I think I'll wear my 'He who dies with the most tools wins' hat for the show.

27th May 2005, 10:57 PM
The maps are available for us sick puppies whom plan their attack on the showhttp://www.workingwithwood.com/sydney/site.htm UBeaut is stand 72 in the Royal Hall of Industries, next to "Hardware Co" and opposite "Premium Hardware". Got to visit there first for my cap and to meet the crew! :D
The usual proviso is issued "Please note: Plans may change."

Other drool inducing stands - Lie Nielson 109 & HNT 37A

Where is that drool smilie? :) http://www.ubeaut.biz/zonked.gif http://www.ubeaut.biz/dizzy.gif

31st May 2005, 02:44 PM
Are we meeting at Wongo's suggested spot? otherwise I will be there with Pat Malone :rolleyes: . I'll be there Saturday and most probably Sunday aswell now.

I'll be at stand 226 - CCWT - in the Hordern Pav. demoing the scrollsaw on Saturday. I'll be the tall young fella surrounded by the ol....experienced guys. :eek:

Let me know about the designated spot.

31st May 2005, 03:22 PM
It looks to me like it's just in the general outside area between the two halls where they have the saw mill demos?

I'll be there Saturday, wearing my hat (and T Shirt ;) )

I'll drop by your stand anyway .

1st June 2005, 09:44 AM
Cool will head to the general area around 1pm then, with either have the Forum Cap on or the Central Coast Scrollers cap .. probably the first one if I have picked it up by then.

2nd June 2005, 10:04 PM
OK, it's the night before Christmas, I'm going to write my shopping list. See you t'morrow.

2nd June 2005, 10:33 PM
OK, it's the night before Christmas, I'm going to write my shopping list. See you t'morrow.

Not even going to ask whose knee you are going to sit on tomorrow :eek:

2nd June 2005, 10:35 PM
Not even going to ask whose knee you are going to sit on tomorrow :eek:
Three paper bag job?

2nd June 2005, 11:03 PM
Good evening all,

the countdown has indeed started. I shall be there tomorrow for a good portion of the day and even though I haven't posted my picture and I haven't been around the traps long, you may spot me and if you do feel free to say g'day....... you will recognise me by the fact that I will have my beautiful wife on my arm, which in itself is not the give away.
The give away will be the overheard conversation as follows:

"Are you SURE you need that Shan"
Closely followed by the wimpering voice of "No - you're right dear"
:D :D :D

I look forward to all the toys on show, and the possibility of putting some faces to names. Cherio.

2nd June 2005, 11:08 PM
ONE MORE SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See yers all there.
Graeme http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif

3rd June 2005, 10:20 AM
I will be there sunday, I will be the one on my knees saying but i really need one of those dear! See who ever is there on Sunday at sport at the time!

3rd June 2005, 10:42 AM
Isnt the trick, not to take the other half along?? or the show needs to be more like the Newcastle wood show where they have a building with craft things for the ladies and a wood shed for the boys .. both are then happy to spend money without the other knowing what they are doing .. but depending on what you spend, it could be a long silent trip home...

3rd June 2005, 01:35 PM
My technique is 1) don't bring the wife and 2) go on my birthday.

How can I be challenged for buying myself a birthday pressie??? :confused:

Anyone else who wants to celebrate my birthday on Sunday, PM me for my wishlist ;)


3rd June 2005, 05:15 PM
Am leaving wife at home in Canberra and bussing up with the ACT Woodcraft guild on Saturday .... I've just forked out for some personal training sessions for my much better half (to make her better she says, but I reckon she's perfect already ... no really!) AND there is a craft show down here this weekend ... so there is a chance I can purchase some little bits and pieces without guilt ... not too much ... am saving for my bandsaw I hope to get around August.

First stop at the show will be Ubeaut so I can be identified by cap! Naturally, the T-shirt will be on, but perhaps with a jumper over it ... it's forecast to be bloody -1 tomorrow morning at home.


3rd June 2005, 07:22 PM
Strewth, we're not that ugly. Slavo, AlexS & I waited around today but you all took fright. Neil told us you were at the show, including all you lurkers. Where were you? Probably spending up big! I hope those who go tomorrow are braver, but I've blown my budget, so, see you next year.
Graeme http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon9.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon8.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon9.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon8.gif

3rd June 2005, 09:45 PM
Strewth, we're not that ugly. Slavo, AlexS & I waited around today but you all took fright. Neil told us you were at the show, including all you lurkers. Where were you? Probably spending up big! I hope those who go tomorrow are braver, but I've blown my budget, so, see you next year.
Graeme http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon9.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon8.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon9.gif http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon8.gif

Me, DarrylF, silentC and Wongo will be there tomorrow. :)

3rd June 2005, 10:00 PM
I'll be there on Sunday 10am, meeting Boban for shirt, seeing Neil for cap then off to spend my birthday buying jointer, DC and just maybe a bp16A bandsaw.
Drool over everything else, see you there. I have lots and lots of brownie points bought her an embroidery sewing machine today. :D

3rd June 2005, 10:16 PM
Did my coin in 2 1/2 hrs, had a good look around, got inspired by the carvings and the school student's exhibits. Pity about the number of schoolies running around with no interest.

3rd June 2005, 11:49 PM
I'll be there for the duration tomorrow.

4th June 2005, 12:11 AM
Anyone else who wants to celebrate my birthday on Sunday, PM me for my wishlist

If it includes a pie with sauce i'll buy it :D

Me, DarrylF, silentC and Wongo will be there tomorrow.

Hope to catch up tomorrow.

6th June 2005, 04:41 PM
Again I had a great time at the show on both Friday and Saturday. Meeting Doors.. no I mean Christopha was great. :D I reckon he is a very nice guy, a bloky bloke if you know what I mean. Hang on!! we are not supposed to be nice to each other. Christopha you bastard. :D

Seriously I look forward to meeting you again next year mate. :)

6th June 2005, 07:45 PM
.. no I mean Christopha was great. :D I reckon he is a very nice guy, a bloky bloke if you know what I mean. Hang on!! we are not supposed to be nice to each other. Christopha you bastard. :D :)

Stop sucking up.
He is the bstard that stole the foil edges from the caps so that they look silly saying "foilies" without the evidence of the foil around the hairline. I had to buy a non foilie. Good on ya Chris.
Also he was speechless when Pauline suggested I was becoming a ubeaut groupie and I replied
"OK, but not with Chris, he is too ugly, even for me"
Poor Pauline had to jump to his defence, telling me "that's not very nice."
Where was that razor wit then Chris?
Blokey bloke indeed! :D

Actually Chris, your lack of a reply and Pauline's chastisement left me feeling embarrassed and wishing I hadn't said it.
:o :o :o :o :o


In an attempt to apologise I wish to humbly beg your blokey forgiveness and I promise, with the whole net as my witness, that I will, in future be nice when I meet you in person and keep the witty repartee for these forums when you will have time to think up a nasty reply without causing either of us any embarrassment ;)

I had a reasonably informative day deciding which machines are suitable and which I consider unsuitable. Mostly my findings were a confirmation of info gleaned hereabouts.
Met Oges, Boban, Jim Carroll and Multinut. Great blokes all. :o

6th June 2005, 07:56 PM
had a great time at the show
sat and sun
met boban,oges,HOVO (maybe i forgot to wish you a happy bday)
i missed wongo this year
and zeds muffins
thanks for the pen doorstopper-opha
and thanks neil for the woodcarving prize discount

cheers multinut
:cool: :cool: :cool: