View Full Version : Identification Required
1st June 2013, 04:58 PM
Have been given this old piece for restoration.Can anyone identify it for me,the turned part on the top is merely a handle,the metal clip could have been for holding envelopes or similar.Hope someone can help out.Cheers.Steve270477270476
1st June 2013, 10:15 PM
Hi SteveW. Looks like an old smokers/drinks table. Metal clip as you call it for holding matches box. Deep recesses for ash trays.If so would probably been silver plated or thick glass.Alternately, one ash tray,one drinks rest. Goblet style piece could`ve been for used matches. Just my two ashes worth.
2nd June 2013, 11:51 AM
Definitely a smokers table.I have seen similar pieces before.The table is positioned between 2 chairs, an ash tray for each of the 2 occupants.Yours is a little different, in having the handle in the middle. ??Perhaps it came from an old "gentleman's" club, where the table was moved as required.Would definitely be worth some research as to it's origin.Looks like a worth while project.Good luck.Paul.