View Full Version : HELP - SOS- Wife not very happy!
8th May 2005, 12:22 PM
I just finished making some side tables as pictured below. I thought they were rather good for my 3rd project! However the wife doesn't like the final colour as it doesn't match the bed very well.
The table is priceless tassie oak purchased from bunnies finished with danish oil and light wax. The drawer silver ash finished in blonde shellac and light wax. The bed came with the wife and looks to be hoop pine finished with something browny orange.
Aside from divorce and changing the legs of the bed.... Are there any finishes that will darken the tassie oak to match the bed that can be placed over the top everything else? Has anyone had any experience with dark coloured wax. Can I put orange shellac over the top of the wax? How do I remove the wax easily?
Please help!
Thanks in advance.
8th May 2005, 12:27 PM
Easiest solution may be to get a new wife with a matching bed
8th May 2005, 01:18 PM
That's a tough one. I agree with gatiep. Maybe post a pic of your wife and see if anybody is willing to take her off your hands.
(woodworkers without a bed will receive preference)
8th May 2005, 01:34 PM
Might be easier to refinish the bed
8th May 2005, 02:19 PM
Not an expert by any means so willing to bow to higher authority.
However, I got a significant darkening of some timber by multiple coats of oil (twice a day for a week). I was using Triton Wood Oil, but I don't think that makes a difference. The nice thing about this is 2 fold. Firstly, you are not going to do any damage. Second, you keep going until the colour is dark enough, so it isn't a one-shot-hope-you-hit kind of solution. Each layer only darkens slightly, and it is the cumulative effect that gets the result. is an image that I have put up before- apologies to those who have seen it. The difference in colour between the centre area and the framed edge (bit hard to see) was simply achieved by this method.
I wouldn't worry about the drawer- looks good, and will still suit if the top & legs did end up darker.
Not sure what to do about the wax finish, and whether this will preclude re-oiling the work. I will leave it to the real experts to answer that one!
8th May 2005, 02:35 PM
With the small snapshot we have, I would be more inclined to make a bed to match the sidetables. With all due respect, the bed doesn't like anything too flash - a new king size bed would make for a great 4th project!!
8th May 2005, 03:13 PM
Or just keep making light tone furniture until the bed has to go or SWMBO likes the contrast...
Variety is the spice of life, so maybe the others have it right... Not that I'd ever replace my wife (just in case she reads this... hi honey!) :D
Wax wipes off easily using turps.
You'll never get the silver ash to match, so best leave it as it is.
Use an oil based stain (hardware store can advise you on products) over the Danish oil to darken the Tas oak. How well it soaks in will depends on how full a finish the Danish oil is. You could try mixing the stain with the Danish oil. This could end up messy, but unless you wash the Danish oil out of the wood (thoroughly with turps or thinners) you have no alternative I know of. Apply shellac over the stain/Danish oil and stain mix to seal it (believe me shellac sticks to anything). Finish with wax.
Colour matching is never perfect unless using pigmented lacquers (effectively thin paints) so no-one even SWMBOs should expect miracles.
8th May 2005, 04:28 PM
That side table is gorgeous! the bed however is painfully ordinary. Please don't change a thing on the table! your taste is obvioulsy much better than swmbo's. Make a new bed! :D
8th May 2005, 07:08 PM
I'm with all the fellas on this one.
I cant see how changing the legs only is not the easiest option and one which will give the best results.
By the way how long have you been married. An SOS for unhappy wife is not warranted, it must be saved for something truly serious. Isn't happy wife the exception rather than the rule?
8th May 2005, 10:00 PM
Geez, I think the side table is really beautiful. Don't want to start a brawl, but it's a very nice piece and if you like it .........
One way of changing colour would be to sand the whole thing back and apply a wood stain. You can get stains in various colours. Then re-finish.
Keep us posted on the outcome.......
8th May 2005, 10:16 PM
You could add color to shellac and apply it as a glaze.
8th May 2005, 11:45 PM
I've got a womans view for you as SWMBO was looking over my shoulder while viewing the pic and for what it's worth reckons the tables great and would look even better with a matching bed head. After 25 years I would say a happy wife probably is the exception I've yet to meet a bloke who has mastered the art of a perpetually happy spouse.
9th May 2005, 10:32 AM
Geez guys... Thanks for all the advice!
I rubbed back the wax with turps as suggested. Thanks JB and stuart_lees. I applied another couple of coats of danish oil. It has taken the pinkish tones out of the tassie oak. And I have left the silver ash drawer as is for bit of contrast.
We (SWMBO and I) have decided a new bed head might be nice. Thanks johnc, boban, ryanarcher and others for convincing SWMBO this. SWMBO wants a frame around some fabric "like the one in a nice hotel". Sort of padded head board arrangent that is screwed to bed base or wall. Any ideas on how I make something like this? Anyone know of any links?
I assume SWMBO is an acronym for wife. But what does this acronym actually say?
Thanks again!
PS: Cant change the wife, took to long to find this one! She is perfect.
9th May 2005, 10:42 AM
She Who May Be Overlooked
Though there are some wuss's here who may have a different interpretation
9th May 2005, 10:57 AM
my wife just told me to tell you that (in her opinion), it stands for
She Who Must Be Obeyed.
9th May 2005, 11:08 AM
That's exactly why you MUST OVERLOOK her. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Bob Willson
9th May 2005, 01:56 PM
Oh, and while you're at it, restain/repaint/reglaze/whatever that lamp. It too is the wrong shade of brown.
9th May 2005, 02:55 PM
my wife just told me to tell you that (in her opinion), it stands for
She Who Must Be Obeyed.
Yes that is true - but only when she is dressed up in a Nurses outfit and carrying a whip - all other times it is She Who May Be Obeyed.
Soooo, if she wants you to do what she says - explain to her what the appropriate clothing and appliances are!!!
For padded insert type beadhead I'd be thinking make a frame (with top horizontal arced) from wood say 50mm wide by 25mm thick. Upholstered rectangle (arced on top) of chipboard drops in to sit on rebate or is held in place with figure 8 clips from behind.
9th May 2005, 09:33 PM
Point number one with the possible exception of crapiata pinr the intentional changing of a timbers colour is simply a crime and should never be done! IMHO.
Option one do what I do with customers who spout such rubbish tell them their taste is simplistic and unrefined to pay up and shutup.
option 2 Respond to your wife "Who asked you"
option 3 tell you wife that you value her opinion but the is suffering an appaling lack of aesthetic maturity probably the result of decades of being exposed to crap production furniture and suggest she just make an effort to educate her tastes to be a bit more in line with reality as you decree it.
option 4 respond to her comments with "Yeh whatever, when you can make furniture then we can talk about timber colour"
option 5 and this is my real response to almost anyone (customers). That timber furniture needing to match is a load of bollocks a holdover from the fifties where everything was made of teak and only teak. That in my professional opinion there is no such thing as clashing timbers only laminex.
That I would rather Pi$$ fishhooks than change the colour of a piece of timber to match some grossly outmoded concept of imposing our palette of colour on nature.
10th May 2005, 12:30 AM
Opt for the divorce. it is cheaper and more fun
10th May 2005, 01:19 AM
Hey Phil,
You don't state your age, so just in case it is relevant: The padded headboard screwed to the wall will stop your hair falling out by the rubbing of your head on the current headboard during activities that cause your toe nails to tear the bedlinnen!
It doesn't decrease the pleasure I'm told.
Bob Willson
10th May 2005, 04:43 AM
Joe, you seem to have aged rather suddenly???
10th May 2005, 05:54 PM
Speaking as one who is the SWHBObeyed who has a HWMNBO (He who must not be obeyed), I would have simply taken the opportunity to either buy a new bed - whoo hoo!!! retail therapy time where's the credit card.!!!!!! or being the woody type who aims-to-make-all-the-wood-stuff-that-enters-the-house.. just simply try to make a new bed, or bed head.
10th May 2005, 05:57 PM
Speaking as one who is the SWHBObeyed who has a HWMNBO (He who must not be obeyed), I would have simply taken the opportunity to either buy a new bed - whoo hoo!!! retail therapy time where's the credit card.!!!!!! or being the woody type who aims-to-make-all-the-wood-stuff-that-enters-the-house.. just simply try to make a new bed, or bed head.
So what sorta cross stitch is HWMNBO in to. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
10th May 2005, 11:31 PM
Sounds like you will just have to build more to match
sell the existing bedsides for an exorbident price, buy more tools & build more tables to match. This might take a few attempts untill you have the correct tools. ;)
16th May 2005, 09:58 AM
So what sorta cross stitch is HWMNBO in to. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
metal welding of course :D :D He's metal and cars, I'm wood.
16th May 2005, 11:05 AM
Come on Ross, don't hold back. Tell us what you really think.