View Full Version : beech

7th May 2005, 03:30 PM
Hi, does anyone know a trick to stop beech yellowing over time. I was wanting a clear type finish. If it is not possible to have a clear finish without it yellowing, does a stain change colour over time?



7th May 2005, 05:20 PM
I could be wrong but I don't think it's possible to stop any wood from changing color over time. Using a lacquer, wax, or water based finish shouldn't yellow. Most if not all oil based finishes will yellow over time.

7th May 2005, 05:36 PM
I believe natural pigment stains could be subject to color change over time as the pigment lightens from UV bombardment unless they are made from minerals (rocks basically). Good quality man made pigments would be more resistant I suspect. But what ever color change did take place it would be over years so shouldn't be a problem; unless the piece is in direct unfiltered or semi filtered (such as a window) sun light where you will see a fairly rapid change.

Even if you use a good quality stain that won't change color, you will still have a change of some degree. This will depend on how thick you lay the stain on. The wood beneath the stain will change color from the UV light and oxidation affecting the overall color of the the piece. The thicker and or darker the stain layer the less the wood will have an affect.

7th May 2005, 06:57 PM
You could try lightly liming then finish with UV resistant clear. The latter needed 'cause even if your timber doesn't yellow your finish will.

Moderator of this bulletin board may have some other clues. You might also try the Finishing forum