View Full Version : FIXED cant see metalwork forums via tapatalk

18th May 2013, 02:29 PM
Hi I can see posts in the metalwork threads if I look at all new posts page on Tapatalk but none of the metalwork forums are listed on the Tapatalk forums page.

Anyone else with Tapatalk able to browse metalwork forums?

I have tried the alphabetical lust of forums whish even list all sub forum s out too but again the metalwork ones are still missing.

regards anthony

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2

27th May 2013, 06:08 PM
just installed latest tapatalk 4 beta and still same issue

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 4 Beta

DJ’s Timber
27th May 2013, 08:07 PM
G'day Anthony

This has bought up a few times now, anything that is on the toolbar above when viewed on a proper web page does not show up in Tapatalk.

It has been flagged with the developers at VBulletion and Tapatalk but nothing seems to be forthcoming from them.

At this stage I suggest that you subscribed to the Metalwork forum and access that way.

Ps could you please turn your Tapatalk Sig off, it is annoying and blatant advertising and we don't need to know what phone you're using.

28th May 2013, 02:04 PM
Try using the internet without Tapatalk. Both WWF & Reno work fine including the top Nav Bar and Metalwork etc.

Pain in the but to read unless you have fantastic eya sight or are prepared to scroll around a bit but it does work.

I'm hatching on a cunning plan to see if we can get the whole thing on line for Tapatalk by producing a dedicated skin. Not sure if it will work or even if it's doable as yet.

28th May 2013, 03:56 PM
Ok cunning plan hatched.

Have a go at this.

Once in Tapatalk you can access all the Tabbed features via the TABBED FORUMS FOR TAPPATALK link, found under FORUMS HELP DESK in the By Category section. All the forums that are in the tabbed section at the top of the page are there.

Give it a go and see how you get on. I have just tried it and it works well. Probably the first and last time I'll ever use it but for those who just must use their phones it's a goer.

Cheers - Neil :U

PS Also works in the regular forums mode on a real computer - may not work with all phone apps.

DJ’s Timber
28th May 2013, 09:32 PM
Your blood is worth bottling Neil, works well on my iPhone :2tsup:

28th May 2013, 10:59 PM
Ok...so i guess i'll add to this thread as it is about the same thing...sort of.
I noticed earlier today on my PC and phone all the Metalworking come up with this

http://www.woodworkforums.com/images/misc/navbit-home.png (http://www.woodworkforums.com/forum.php)
Forum (http://www.woodworkforums.com/forum.php)
FORUMS HELP DESK (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f159/)
TABBED FORUMS FOR TAPPATALK (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f274/)
METALWORK FORUMS (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f66/)

at the top?? no change to usability except where i normally click to go back to the metalworking forum has moved over a bit as there are now 2 more subforums listed.

Don't seem to be able to get away from it.....


28th May 2013, 11:36 PM
Thanks ubeaut,

Works like a charm. :)

29th May 2013, 09:54 AM
Ok...so i guess i'll add to this thread as it is about the same thing...sort of.
I noticed earlier today on my PC and phone all the Metalworking come up with this

http://www.woodworkforums.com/images/misc/navbit-home.png (http://www.woodworkforums.com/forum.php)
Forum (http://www.woodworkforums.com/forum.php)
FORUMS HELP DESK (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f159/)
TABBED FORUMS FOR TAPPATALK (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f274/)
METALWORK FORUMS (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f66/)

at the top?? no change to usability except where i normally click to go back to the metalworking forum has moved over a bit as there are now 2 more subforums listed.

Don't seem to be able to get away from it.....


Sorry Ewan but I'm not quite understanding what you are getting at here.

On the PC you can and probably should access the metalwork forums via the tab at the top of the screen and everything will be the same as it has always been.

On a mobile device you access metalwork via the TABBED FORUMS FOR TAPATALK link. This allows access to all the tabbed forums that were only previously available on a PC. There is no need to use the TABBED FORUMS FOR TAPATALK link when using a PC in fact I would go so far as to say don't use it.

If I could hide it from view on a PC I would as it is purely a means to an end and that is to get there forums onto a mobile device.

Only other way to do this is to scrub the tabs and put them all back onto the main page as they used to be but this will add another couple of screent to the page and a lot more scrolling around to find things.

Hope this is of some help.

Cheers - Neil :U

29th May 2013, 09:02 PM
Sorry Ewan but I'm not quite understanding what you are getting at here.

On the PC you can and probably should access the metalwork forums via the tab at the top of the screen and everything will be the same as it has always been.

On a mobile device you access metalwork via the TABBED FORUMS FOR TAPATALK link. This allows access to all the tabbed forums that were only previously available on a PC. There is no need to use the TABBED FORUMS FOR TAPATALK link when using a PC in fact I would go so far as to say don't use it.

If I could hide it from view on a PC I would as it is purely a means to an end and that is to get there forums onto a mobile device.

Only other way to do this is to scrub the tabs and put them all back onto the main page as they used to be but this will add another couple of screent to the page and a lot more scrolling around to find things.

Hope this is of some help.

Cheers - Neil :U

Ni Neil,
Thanks for some of your precious time.
I am hitting the metalwork forum tab at the top of the screen, see screenshot for what i get. On my phone i never minded using the full site, i have METALWORK FORUM (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f65/) as a bookmark and it is now taking me to the same thing as the PC (but direct to the threads not the general forum list), with the tappatalk at the top of the screen.

PS, just cleared my cache but still the same

31st May 2013, 02:15 AM
works great, thank you!