View Full Version : It has oft been said
2nd May 2013, 08:05 PM
That work is the curse of the drinking man.
Codswallop and balderdash!!
Impecunious circumstances are the the true culprit.
Woe is me! I cannot afford the latest release of Penfold's Grange.:no::no::no:
Mind you, I couldn't afford the last release either, or the one prior, or.......
2nd May 2013, 10:31 PM
Oh, you poor poor man, my heart is bleeding for you :D
Got a bandaid?
Cheer up, you can't afford next years either :no:
3rd May 2013, 07:59 AM
.....I cannot afford the latest release of Penfold's Grange........
You and me both.
Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Shiraz (Upcoming 2013 Release)
To be released on May the 2nd 2013. Penfolds have said that the RRP will be at $785, a very controversial price hike.
Not on my pension.
Looks like I will just have to stick with my home-made Rioja at £2 a bottle.
3rd May 2013, 08:01 AM
I am glad that I do not drink. :D:D
3rd May 2013, 01:18 PM
That work is the curse of the drinking man.
Codswallop and balderdash!!
Impecunious circumstances are the the true culprit.
Woe is me! I cannot afford the latest release of Penfold's Grange.:no::no::no:
Mind you, I couldn't afford the last release either, or the one prior, or.......
I understand completely. I think Oscar was having a sarcastic dig. Looks like it is back to Chateau Cardboard. I expect Grange is not as good as it is cracked up to me. A few years back I was given a bottle of Grandfather Port: It was rubbish, but the box it came in was quite allright and I couldn't bring myself to throw it away.
Recently I found a use for it. I screwed it to the wall of the shed and housed our extension cordless phone in it. With it's perspex front it is perfect for keeping out the products of woodworking :wink: .
Skew ChiDAMN!!
3rd May 2013, 02:18 PM
My heart bleeds for you. Truly. :rolleyes:
I've developed a great liking for Canadian ice-wines... and d'you think I can find a single bottle - that's worth drinking - for sale here in Oz?
There are a couple that're imported... but they are to ice-wine what Foster's is to beer, y'know? :sigh: (At Grange prices, just to rub salt into the wound!)
How am I possibly to get any production done, knowing this injustice exists in the world? Alack, alas! Oh, woe unto me. :(
('Tis just as well that Brown Bros make passingly good late harvest muscats, eh? :D)
3rd May 2013, 02:51 PM
Brown Bros make passingly good late harvest muscats, eh?
Aah, the breakfast of champions.
5th May 2013, 09:33 PM
I expect Grange is not as good as it is cracked up to me. A few years back I was given a bottle of Grandfather Port: It was rubbish, but the box it came in was quite allright and I couldn't bring myself to throw it away.
Grange is actually as good as it's made out to be.....unfortunately like most exceptional wines it has attained cult status which means that a large majority of people who buy it do so to not to drink it but with the intention of sitting on it and then selling it off for a profit.
Fine wine is like fine art.....the value is simply what people are prepared to pay for it.
5th May 2013, 11:08 PM
Skew, a friend of ours came back from Europe with a bottle of ice wine that he donated to us.
I tried it and wasn't so keen on it until our son, who has done several fine wine course, taught me how to drink it!!
Now that may seem passing strange, but yes, some things about drinking need to be taught!
Well, what a revelation!! I have kept a little in the bottle for Ron, just so that I can stretch the pleasure.
6th May 2013, 09:36 AM
If you like Grange, here's ( your opportunity to snap some up at a reasonable price.
6th May 2013, 10:52 AM