View Full Version : Bartop Finish Question/Advice

John O
29th April 2005, 10:57 AM
I just built a bar for my screened in porch (Atlanta, Georgia area) and am about to finish the top.

The top is 1x6 Yellow Pine as a side border (the 1x is on top)
a 1x3 Red Oak border - the rest of the bar top is Aspenwood positioned diagonally.

I plan on applying a Minwax Nautral 209 wood finish then a few coats on Spar Poly.

I'm really looking for advice or a better method.

Thank You in advacne

29th April 2005, 09:17 PM
We probably have a completely different range of finishing products in Australia John. Your local hardware store might be a better source of advice.

29th April 2005, 09:24 PM
John, like Rusty said, we may not have the same products as you guys up there. Here is a US woodworking forum that will no doubt generate lots of advice re bar top finishing products.....


My recommendation would be a lacquer or polyurethane (or oil & poly mix) to give you something hard wearing & moisture resistant.


John O
30th April 2005, 12:59 AM

Thanks for help.