View Full Version : Removing shellac from plane toteand knob

27th April 2005, 09:01 PM
Ok the story is i'm starting to clean up some old planes for me to use
whats the best way to remove the old shellac from the tote and knob

is it sanding, or is there another better way

27th April 2005, 09:22 PM
Try metho and fine steel wool, if it all gets to much I am told some lemon cordial makes it easier on the palate. The metho will soften the finish and the fine steel wool will remove and smooth at the same time.


27th April 2005, 09:23 PM
Take the tote off & drop it in a glass jar of metho.
After about an hour remove it & scrub with some 4 'O' steel wool. Let it dry overnight & resand with fine grit paper.
Use the finish of your choice. ;)

27th April 2005, 09:32 PM
JohnC hard to get good Metho these days and 96% ethonol doesnt burn blue
(BTW like mine with orange)

Major will give that a go right now
any ideas on the finish to use?

thanks for the tips guys

27th April 2005, 10:43 PM
JohnC hard to get good Metho these days and 96% ethonol doesnt burn blue
(BTW like mine with orange)

Major will give that a go right now
any ideas on the finish to use?

thanks for the tips guys
I used polyurethane varnish because the tote & handle usually end up with a little oil/rust inhibitor on them after my planes are cleaned.
It was just a satin finish varnish that was sanded with 4 'O' steel wool between coats (3).
Now they have a lovely silky feel to them & they won't go black due to oil. ;) :D

27th April 2005, 10:57 PM
"Citri strip" will remove old shellac in about 2-4 minutes. Rinse off with 0000 steel wool and metho. You can you methylene chloride but a little more carcinogenic, also rinse with metho and 0000 steel wool. Caustic soda will also remove shellac but will eat the cellulous from between the fibre, it is not recommended.

28th April 2005, 12:31 PM
CHeck Bob Smalser's totel repair out before you dice the old patina:
