View Full Version : hardened Shellawax

15th March 2013, 11:25 AM
I had a little mishap with my Shellawax polish and I need some advice from forum members about what I can do.
I put a marble into my Shellawax bottle to help mix the polish and cracked the bottlle.
5 weeks later I discovered it had leaked onto my Triton router table sticking a painted board to the table.
The polish has hardened onto the table and now has layer of paint to complicate the problem.
How on earth do I disolve hardened Shellawax?



Cliff Rogers
15th March 2013, 11:53 AM
You need to as ubeaut (http://www.woodworkforums.com/members/166-ubeaut/).

SHELLAWAX friction polish (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/shell.html)

15th March 2013, 10:44 PM
Methylated spirits with a little turps mixed in should dissolve the Shellawax and release the board.

The rest may have to be scraped back using the same mix as above to soften it. Hope this helps.

16th March 2013, 12:25 AM
Thank you Gentlemen.
I will soak a rag or sponge in metho and turps and leave it on the table tomorrow.
I will let you know how it works.