View Full Version : Re-stumping

25th April 2005, 02:56 PM
Can anyone give me a rough price on what it costs to have your house re-stumped? I live in rural Victoria and can't seem to find anyone to give me a quote or even a rough price. Any replies would be greatly appreciated.

25th April 2005, 09:57 PM
My brother got his done a few years ago. From what I can remember he paid about $150 a stump. Not sure if that was the price for agreeing to do x many or not. That was in Brissie.

25th April 2005, 10:51 PM
welcome to the forum - you should find a huge amount of great information here and advice that's solidly based on how we all buggered things up the first few times


To your issue - what age and size is the house? how high is it off the ground? where is it? what is the soil-type in the region? All these factors matter when restumping.

have fun

26th April 2005, 11:23 AM
thanks for the warm welcome and your tips so far and no doubt more to come.as for my home it's only 4 rooms so it's not very large.i live in a small town called beulah,as for the soil up here i'm told by the locals we get alot of movement because of the drought.plus this house happens to be the second oldest in the town with 15 foot ceilings and a high pitch roof on top of that.sorry about not having the exact dimensions but the land surrounding the house at the moment is like a jungle so i have'nt had a chance to measure it up yet.but all 4 rooms would be about standard bedroom size.if that helps any?

26th April 2005, 08:41 PM
I paid approx $7000 about 8 years ago...for a 23 sq house approx, next door, around $4000, and the bloke up the road for a small house was quoted about $3500 I think about 6-12 months ago...it pays to get recommendations too, I am sure there are a lot of shonks out there. :)

26th April 2005, 08:49 PM
i think a rough guide is about $300 per stump

26th April 2005, 09:16 PM
Hi again - I looked Beulah up and see that it is a very small township, so am wondering if you could enlist the help of some locals to do the job..... it isnt "that" hard, depending on a range of factors. Main factor as far as I was concerned when I did one place was the height off the ground..... it was only around 60cms but we managed to get old perimeter stumps out and new concrete ones in. This enabled me to "get cured" of oding the rest but it was a 23 square home which I reckon is about 2.5 times the size of yours. If it had been higher, like 900mm, to 1 metre I wouldve tackled it but as I hadnt done one before, I didnt know any tricks of the trade, which there are a good few.

If the soil is clay, then weather will affect it greatly and you won't have absolutely level floors for long, but I dare say they'll be a lot better than they are now. What else do you plan on doing to the place? Extending etc?

Would love to see some pics of it if you can - it sounds an interesting place

have fun

Greg Ward
27th April 2005, 11:18 AM
Just has the house done in mid N Coast. Replaced wooden with bricks, but left timber stumps in center of house. 3 BR, but also extended the verahdah as well. Brickie cost around $2000, builder to level, dig out old stumps concrete pads etc for brickie, and assist around $5000. Total, who knows????, all mixed up in the invoices, but around $7-8K

27th April 2005, 06:24 PM
thanks to everyone for your advice at least now i've got a good idea of what i'm looking at.plus your not wrong beulah is a small place,most people up here are older people or farmers living out of town.once i figure out how to post photos i will.land and homes up here are cheap as chips,i brought mine which is 2 bedroom on a 1/4 acre for 20.000 alot of work but not bad.so thanks again for your help and i'll keep you up to date.