View Full Version : Still over it

Reno RSS Feed
2nd March 2013, 08:50 PM
Some months ago, I posted that I was sick of our renovations and was tempted to just cut our losses and run. We received some very positive feedback from the folks here, and we decided to lie low for a while and not fuss about it. I think the whole thing started when we stuffed up the bathroom almost two years ago. We took time off, had a holiday in New York, and tried not to think about it.

Roll on a year or more later and we're no further along in the planning. We are still using the temporary shower in the laundry and the walls and floor are getting ruined. Our original design, that we were so excited about at first, has gone through many twists and redesigns, especially since we have to sacrifice a room to make the new bathroom (and don't know which room to lose), that we don't know which design will be best. We also think that the bank won't fund what we know will make it into a much more comfortable home. Fifteen half finished jobs, and even to sell we'd have to invest probably 15k, and then we might not even break even.

To make matters worse, the loss of our beautiful tree has made the house so much hotter, and the outlook to the street is now bleak and bare, no longer framed by the beautiful weeping habit of the mature ironbark. Repairing the damaged driveway from the mature radiata pine that next door's tenant planted looks like costing 10k or more, and promises to be a big fight with the housing commission, who owns the house.

I sometimes wish we had done nothing to this house, but demolished it and built from new. Or not bought in such a rush. Too late for that now, we're way too far along and spent way too much money. I wish someone could just come and do a design for us, take away some of the decisions.

I'm just having a whinge. Thanks for listening.


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/still-over-108649/)