View Full Version : Identification / valuation ?

28th February 2013, 07:32 AM
This piece has been in the background of just about every family photo I can remember, but as my parents are now in care, I have to decide it's future...

Can anyone give me any pointers as to the value, style, history etc.? Even exactly what the correct name for this piece is - we've always called it a sideboard.

All I know it's that some wealthy family friend gave it to our family as a gift. I can't find any makers info anywhere on the piece itself.


Skew ChiDAMN!!
2nd March 2013, 12:03 AM
What a striking piece!

Not that I can help you... but out of curiosity, what's the structure below the central drawer? I can't really make it out in the photo. :-

(And is the cupboard door below that a bifold? :? )

2nd March 2013, 02:23 AM
Beautiful piece of furniture, I would love to own something like it one day, love the carving of the grapes. i think it would be apealing to many vignerons in the hunter valley and other grape growing regions as a prop at the cellar door.

2nd March 2013, 09:35 AM
What a striking piece!

Not that I can help you... but out of curiosity, what's the structure below the central drawer? I can't really make it out in the photo. :-

(And is the cupboard door below that a bifold? :? )

Below the central drawer is an open space, and none of the doors are bifold.
A couple more pics for clarification.


Enfield Guy
3rd March 2013, 12:20 PM
Very very nice piece of furniture. Do you really need to dispose of it? As far as value is concerned, dunno. But, I would suggest that marketed correctly it would have quite significant value to the right purchaser.

I sincerely hope, if you do sell, that you get an appropriate price for such beauty.

Maybe consult a couple of reputable dealers. Maybe place the piece on consignment in a dealers shop.

Hope that helps some.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
3rd March 2013, 12:37 PM
Below the central drawer is an open space, and none of the doors are bifold.
A couple more pics for clarification.

Thank you for appeasing my curiosity. :)

5th March 2013, 12:58 PM
Wow! What a beautiful piece, and no doubt some sentimental value for you?? Maybe you will find a space for it ion your life?? Its one of those pieces I would struggle to move on to a stranger!! Maybe you have family/ close friends who would appreciate its beauty and history?

Your thread does, however pose an oft asked question of valueation/ style/ era etc. I wonder if others on this forum know of some good on line forums (perhaps this one??) where one can post pics and get some understanding of $/ era/ style etc.?? Cheers, Lawry

5th March 2013, 01:35 PM
It is a nice piece. I could only guess at the age and say somewhere from the 20tes to the 50tes as it is probably influenced by several styles. I would also be on two minds as to call it sideboard or dresser.Perhaps more dresser. The wood looks like english or american oak. No idea as to price but I am sure someone would be prepared to pay a reasonable sum for it if they like the look of it. Take a wander round some of the better antique places in your neck of the woods to see what similar things go for.

5th March 2013, 10:43 PM
Send a few photo's the this mob they deal Nationaly, I,m sure they will be able to identify and value it for you

Antiques Adelaide Collectables - Megaw and Hogg Antiques Adelaide (http://www.megawandhogg.com/contact.htm)

6th March 2013, 06:32 PM
A nice piece for you no doubt.

It looks to be made from English Oak in an post Victorian/Edwardian style. Probably early 1900 pre WW1.

The bevelled shield mirror is very unusual as is the angular pediment (top piece).

It is well made by a quality workshop and will last for a few more centuries if looked after.

It would be made in the UK for sure,



6th March 2013, 10:19 PM
That hole in the centre must have had a purpose surely?

The mirror is the same shape as one in an article I've read recently in AWR, about a piece recreated from photos from an old house somewhere in Australia. Maybe I'll find the article sometime soon. It was a fireplace surround I'm fairly sure. Maybe in WA as they decided to use Jarrah I think... The reason the mirror stood out was that they had difficulty finding someone to make the mirror with the bevelled point which would be very delicate.

6th March 2013, 10:48 PM
Very nice quarter sawn oak piece of furniture which I'm sure a lot of people would love to own.
I'm no expert but just know what I like and I like this and particularly the carving. :2tsup:
Plenty of ideas above will I'm sure help you value and decide how to sort it out, best of luck.
Cheers, Ian

6th March 2013, 11:33 PM
This piece has been in the background of just about every family photo I can remember, but as my parents are now in care, I have to decide it's future...

Can anyone give me any pointers as to the value, style, history etc.? Even exactly what the correct name for this piece is - we've always called it a sideboard.

All I know it's that some wealthy family friend gave it to our family as a gift. I can't find any makers info anywhere on the piece itself.

AndrewHi Andrew

I know the delimia you're facing -- we went through something similar last yaer when we had to dispose of my father's furniture.

I'm not sure of the correct name, but I think your piece is designed to go in an entry way for visitors to place their hats and gloves on, and for the household to place the mail on.
Perhaps the "space" is for parcels.

It will have huge sedimental value for your family, but if you can't locate a buyer who really wants it, then you may struggle to recover even the value of the timber within it.

my recollection is that we sold all of my father's solid timber furniture for about $200.
It was that or leave it on the footpath :C

7th March 2013, 12:37 AM
my recollection is that we sold all of my father's solid timber furniture for about $200.
It was that or leave it on the footpath :C

Whoa that would be a disaster:o hope it doesn't come to that.

7th March 2013, 05:34 AM
Just another guess. The hole in the front may have been for a canteen of cutlery.

7th March 2013, 08:45 AM
ANdrew....you're now probably getting the message that this is ineded a valuable & value piece of furniture...not one to let the 2nd hand punters get hold of cheaply!! What State are you in? Surely if you REALLY cant accommodate it, or find family/ friends who would love and appreciate it, then SURELY maybe someone here knows someone who would purchase it at fair value etc.?? If I could, I would!! Lawry