View Full Version : Little things that p!ss us off
21st April 2005, 09:32 PM
Of course, there are big things, that upset all of us. But I'm sure that we all have little things that everyone else thinks are inconsequential, but really give us the irrits.
For example, it really p!sses me off that a big hardware chain puts a barcode sticker on the back of each sheet of abrasive, especially as the same code is printed on the back of the sheet. Then I have to attack the sticker with eucalyptus oil to get the little sod off.
What gives you the irrits?
21st April 2005, 09:45 PM
Flying Jetstar.
P :D
21st April 2005, 09:54 PM
Same "B" little stickers on all the gutter brackets, joist hangers, etc which have to be removed before painting.
These little things have a bast..d glue and break up into little pieces instead of peeling. (security, I know)
I also love the way they stick them onto pieces of timber, always on the best side. :mad:
21st April 2005, 10:04 PM
Those fr***in stickers they put on apples.
Numbskulls who don't indicate when turning left at roundabouts
and D**kheads who undermine driveways to put cables through and don't backfill so the next time Squizz turns up in the truck the driveway collapses.....:mad: .
Feel better already
(losing your wallet or mobile phone is a right pain the butski)
Hmmnn running out of beer is a bummer.
I could go on...
Bought a brand new car in Townsville once and didn't get ten clicks down the road before a truck carrying blue metal decided to unload some onto the windscreen.....
Ok I'll go now
21st April 2005, 10:05 PM
being poor
kids not listening
irrational laws
people driving in a hurry
Clients changing development layouts after design finished
Not being able to turn beads very well
inflatable pools
tools getting blunt
not getting paid enough
owing the bank money for my house
the fact that my littlest girl is so adorable, I cant stay angry with her when she's naughty (which is most of the time)
Being Wall-eyed and half deaf (One working ear)
ad idfinitum
21st April 2005, 10:07 PM
Its not just wood/hardware stores that do this - I have several expen$ive reference books that have mucking great thick security tags stuck with permanent glue into them - warped the covers & marked several pages too.
Strangely I now buy most of my books from Internet dealers like Amazon now, as they don't mutilate the goods before you get them. And I buy my timber from the local timber yard - plug: North Shore Timber - who at least pay their staff enough to recognize a 2x4 without a bar code. :cool:
21st April 2005, 10:14 PM
Having to put up the HWMBO ranting and raving about losing something that "But I only had it 5 Minutes ago".Him leaving in a puff of smoke from his car only to find the object a hour later exactly where HE left it.
21st April 2005, 10:53 PM
What i hate is how my SWMBO allways squeeze's the tooth paste tube in the middle, when I go to use its all screwed up "roll the end dear I say" but no not ever!
Then the other day I goes out to me little runnabout car and find she's ripped the leather on the drivers seat with a zipper on her bloody trendy pants, distinctly after telling SWMBO not to wear anything metal on her pants while driving my car!
But I still love her,wouldnt swap her for anything(sometimes!!).
21st April 2005, 11:18 PM
I hate people who complain about little annoyances.
E. maculata
22nd April 2005, 09:41 AM
Grass is greener attitudes....oh and ants (particularly greenants,jumpers & bullants) :( they really pess me orf
22nd April 2005, 09:54 AM
Customers who think they are right when I know damn well I am!
People who wander all over the bike track. Keep left, dammit!!
People who walk out of shops onto the footpath without looking both ways.
Eddie Maguire.
People who chew with their mouths open.
Finding a spider or something in the bottom of my cup after drinking all the coffee.
22nd April 2005, 09:57 AM
Finding a spider or something in the bottom of my cup after drinking all the coffee.
Girl. In my day we used to eat spiders for breakfast 'coz that was all we could afford.
22nd April 2005, 09:59 AM
Yeah but the coffee makes it all soggy. I like mine crunchy...
22nd April 2005, 10:20 AM
- Who wants to be a millionare
- Seeing John Howard at every sporting event involving Oz
- Americans abroad
22nd April 2005, 10:53 AM
I hate people who complain about little annoyances.
I hate people who hate people who complain about little annoyances! :p
22nd April 2005, 11:07 AM
- Americans abroad
So you like them here then?
22nd April 2005, 11:08 AM
People who put their feet on train seats
People who hold loud inane mobile phone converstaions on trains
John Howard
22nd April 2005, 11:17 AM
I get annoyed at Australias introduced species - destructive bastards, especially the humans.
Actually I hate everyone :eek: , but I don't mind :)
22nd April 2005, 11:20 AM
Darryl Sommers!!!! :mad: :mad:
22nd April 2005, 11:26 AM
Well, I'm not annoyed by anything. I'm just serene and sweet and ******* calm and ******* un-*******-likely to get ******* worked ******* up about any-*******-thing.
So there.
22nd April 2005, 11:27 AM
inane mobile phone converstaions
Is there any other kind??
22nd April 2005, 11:28 AM
So you like them here then?
Quite the opposite. Although the direction Australia's headed, we may become their 51st state.
22nd April 2005, 11:51 AM
-Cat’s hair everywhere
-Cat’s vomits on the stairs
-Cat’s poo on the floor
-Cat scratches all the cedar doors
-Cat food stink the whole house
-Everyone else in the family love the cat
-Cats just being cats
-People who buy bus tickets with $50 note
-People who stand in the middle of the escalator
-People who talk on the phone loudly for ages on the train
-A large chips at MaDonald’s is always half full (of half empty)
-A large coke at MaDonald’s has more ice then coke
-The power tool guy at Bunnings treats me like an idiot. “That is a router and that is a trimmer”, “This GMC router comes with 12 router bits for less than $100. It is a bargain.”
-Stickers on timber
-Stickers on hinges
-Telemarketing at dinner time
-My boss
22nd April 2005, 11:52 AM
My pet hate is low slung signs in stores, I hate having to duck and weave between advertising signs, big sale times are the worst.
22nd April 2005, 11:59 AM
Although the direction Australia's headed, we may become their 51st state
Actually, with the direction we are headed, Australia is more likely to merge with the Eurasian continent in the next few million years. So we should be OK for awhile until North America comes charging across and rams western Europe/Africa in about 10 million years or so.
22nd April 2005, 12:03 PM
Actually, with the direction we are headed, Australia is more likely to merge with the Eurasian continent in the next few million years. So we should be OK for awhile until North America comes charging across and rams western Europe/Africa in about 10 million years or so.
It won't happen. A mate and me took a tinny out last weekend and hooked a squid jag into the Antarctic ice mass. We tied the other end of the line onto the end of the Glenelg jetty here in Adelaide. That's top quality, home brand, 10 lb breaking strain line we used there. It'll never break. :D
writing stuff out for me divorce lawyer and feeling a tad surreal around the edges
22nd April 2005, 12:16 PM
What i hate is how my SWMBO allways squeeze's the tooth paste tube in the middle, :D :D :D
I can relate.
-All the reality TV shows
-People who yawn on the train especially the one with bad breath
22nd April 2005, 12:20 PM
walking into a dirty / public toilet to take a wizz and having to co-incidently yawn (Ie breathe deeply) other peoples excrement smells.... thats gotta be top of the list
people who drive too slow, in fact ALL other drivers
my neighbours when they generate noise late at night or early in the morning.
feral animals.
indian myna birds!!!!!!
vacuuming the house.
Wood Borer
22nd April 2005, 12:42 PM
The noise of lawn mowers especially 2 stroke types.
The whining never ending noise of vacuum cleaners.
When you tell non woodworkers you are into woodwork and they automatically assume you are into turning!!!!!!! Nothing against turners but hey there are other forms of woodwork.
22nd April 2005, 12:50 PM
Eddie MacGuire :mad:
Sam Newman :mad:
AFL news as the headline news everynight :mad:
Anyone who bags Queensland :mad:
The fact that I can't afford all the tools I want right now :mad:
Having to wait to save for the next tool I want :mad:
Clients who take ages to pay :mad:
Cold temps in Victoria below 20 C :mad:
Like Zed says: Indian Myna Birds, someone should shoot them :mad:
and cats in my yard chasing birds, someone should shoot them too :mad:
22nd April 2005, 12:51 PM
WB just reminded me ...
Bloody leaf blowers. What's wrong with using a broom ? :mad:
Wood Borer
22nd April 2005, 01:02 PM
Bloody leaf blowers. What's wrong with using a broom ? :mad:
Craig they are just yuppy witches ;)
22nd April 2005, 01:16 PM
Newsreaders on TV who HAVE to EMPHASISE and STRESS almost every OTHER bloody WORD! (Just read it, ya dickheads - stop emoting all over my TV!)
Idiot drivers who think they'll get there more quickly if they sit on my exhaust pipe the whole time.
Drivers dropping off or picking up kids from school. Man, how there aren't more accidents is beyond me. The traffic outside most schools morning and afternoon is absolute pandemonium!
22nd April 2005, 01:28 PM
serously though, One of my biggest hates in the world is when people open a brand new tub of butter, and instead of peeling off all the alloy film they cut a small hole in it and peel back a tiny bit of it! How hard is it to peel all the film off????????????
another thing, having to get up when i'm busy to answer the phone just to see the word "UNAVALIABLE" on the caller ID and know that it is some foreigner trying to save me 40 fu**ing percent off my phone calls! If i want to save on my phone calls then I'll bloody well call them!
now i'm on a roll, what else annoys me, ohhh this one is good, ex tv stars that go into politics or decide to voice their opinion publicly about world events!!!! now come on, everyone has to agree with me on that one! Like I give a flying ****** about what some washed up actor has to say about some starving children!
People that cut you off and then drive really slow!!!!
Ohhh i could go on for hours, but If I keep it up I'll probably offend someone.
22nd April 2005, 01:40 PM
What about the wankers that stand in shop doorways ?...........Get me the "shotty"
22nd April 2005, 01:46 PM
Drivers who stop in the inside lane to go into the shop or something and think it's o.k. 'cause they've turned their bloody hazard lights on.
22nd April 2005, 01:46 PM
Even worse, wankers that stand in front of the ticket dispenser at the deli section in a supermarket...
not that the ticket system works anyway.
22nd April 2005, 01:46 PM
Craig they are just yuppy witches ;)
I've got one too, and every three months or so, when I cut the nature strip, I use it too. :D
22nd April 2005, 01:52 PM
Truckies who pull out in front of you on the Hume when you're coming up behind them at 140 clicks and then sit in the right hand lane playing neck-and-neck with another truck or a caravan.
Ray Martin.
Turning on Rage, Video Hits, etc. and all they play is that black American rap *****.
The fact that they call that black American rap ***** R&B. They don't know what R&B is!! Ever heard of BB King, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, John Lee Hooker, Sam and Dave? Morons!!!
22nd April 2005, 01:57 PM
people who drive too slow, .
Are you in a hurry to get home to listen to your neighbours being noisy and to do the vacuuming?
22nd April 2005, 02:08 PM
-Anything from danoz direct.
-Anyone who tries to sell you 3 sets of knives for the price of 1. (why the hell do I need 45 knives??)
22nd April 2005, 02:17 PM
(Along the same line as others) Every loose bolt at B's having a sticker on it, that inevitably ends up leaving gunk on the thread.
Telemarketers calling me even though I have a silent number. :mad:
My golf game going downhill quickly since I took a regular 9-5 job.
Buying cheap and nasty woodworking tools before finding this forum and learning better. :(
22nd April 2005, 03:09 PM
Only being able to buy things, screws, bolts, etc, in little packets with not quite enough in them so that you have to buy two packets ... but that does leave you a few spare to drop in the shavings. :D
22nd April 2005, 03:12 PM
gmc & ozito power tools
22nd April 2005, 03:27 PM
Hates? I have a but just a few......
The morons who tow 'em
Convoys of the poxy things
The caravan towing morons' stupid, pink rinsed bitches with their silly visors
Anything with "Winnebago" stickers on it
Asians in cars
Old farts with Gophers who think the effing things are a car and drive them accordingly
Victorian iced coffee.....YUK!
Southwark "beer"..... HURK!
Brussels sprouts.....BLECHH!
Bull Terrier type mongrels and the Bogans that own 'em
Fat women in mumblers....AARGH!
Fat chicks with those silly midriff shirt things.....SPLODGE!
Mercedes drivers who present Health Care cards
American vineyard and winery owners who have and use Aussie Health Care cards
Kids who 'play' with pedestrian crossing lights.....STRANGLE!
Adults on bikes on the footpath.....BUMP!!
Drivers who park across the driveway.....DENT.....COIN!
:p :p :p :p
22nd April 2005, 03:37 PM
Those ads on TV that try to make Volvo drivers look cool. GET REAL!!
22nd April 2005, 04:46 PM
People who think the government is responsible for:
- Preventing their kids form being losers
- Finding a job for them
- Paying them if they dont have one (esp single mums of schoolkids)
- Stopping them getting into debt
- Interest Rates
- Paying for their retirement
- Maintaining their standard of living.
And examples of all of those have been seen on this board!
22nd April 2005, 05:55 PM
The caravan towing morons' stupid, pink rinsed bitches with their silly visors
WANTED: One caravan towing moron to compliment my pink rinse!! :D
22nd April 2005, 06:14 PM
I must be a happy so and so, I can't think of anything :D :D :D :D :D :D
22nd April 2005, 06:46 PM
Having to put up the HWMBO ranting and raving about losing something that "But I only had it 5 Minutes ago".Him leaving in a puff of smoke from his car only to find the object a hour later exactly where HE left it.
Now your for it squizzy.
Al :D
22nd April 2005, 06:47 PM
WANTED: One caravan towing moron to compliment my pink rinse!! :D
What a load of bull!!!! It's a blue rinse.... I seen it..... :p
22nd April 2005, 06:48 PM
I must be a happy so and so, I can't think of anything :D :D :D :D :D :D
How about ozwinner?? ;)
Al :eek:
22nd April 2005, 06:48 PM
I must be a happy so and so, I can't think of anything :D :D :D :D :D :D
Au contraire, you can be happy and still call a dill a dill and a nong a nong (or any of the wonderfully happy names that were coined for similar purpose)
Bob Willson
22nd April 2005, 08:15 PM
White ants and women who as soon as they get a trolley in a supermarket turn it sideways on in the middle an aisle while they talk to a friend they have met in the place.
22nd April 2005, 08:26 PM
White ants and women who as soon as they get a trolley in a supermarket turn it sideways on in the middle an aisle while they talk to a friend they have met in the place.
I've never seen a white ant swing his little trolley out into the aisle at the supermarket, just so he can talk to his friend.
22nd April 2005, 08:28 PM
White ants are quite often know as tourists :(
22nd April 2005, 08:34 PM
whingers on bulletin boards.....:p
22nd April 2005, 08:39 PM
Cute, cuddly and bald........ and very, very sexy...and very very humble!!! ;)
Bob Willson
22nd April 2005, 08:52 PM
I've never seen a white ant swing his little trolley out into the aisle at the supermarket, just so he can talk to his friend.
Don't get around much anymore. Do you?
22nd April 2005, 08:59 PM
whingers on bulletin boards.....:p
Whingers who quit because of people who don't like whingers/
:D :D :D
P (who thinks whingers are quite fun really!)
22nd April 2005, 09:11 PM
Don't get around much anymore. Do you?
Didn't get around much in the first place :p :D
E. maculata
22nd April 2005, 10:11 PM
Did I happen to mention ants
GHEEZ you'se are all a lot of grumpy OLD men (cept for Flea whom I am assuming is a lady, bein Squizzys' definitely better half) & I'm not cause only ants Pess me orf......everything & everyone else I ignore ;) .
22nd April 2005, 10:17 PM
Whingers who quit because of people who don't like whingers/
:D :D :D
P (who thinks whingers are quite fun really!)
Youse got yerself a memory there midge! Sheesh! One off colour comment and I'm scarred for life! Mebbee I should quote you a little, hmmmm....:D :D
22nd April 2005, 11:42 PM
Did I happen to mention ants
GHEEZ you'se are all a lot of grumpy OLD men .
I object to the OLD bit...... and the fact that nothing is sacred anymore:rolleyes:
Life too short to be Grumpy (or Gumby;) ), don't get mad, get even:D .
Bob Willson
22nd April 2005, 11:44 PM
Old, old? Whatcha talkin' about old?. I ain't old, I's on'y bout ??? well lots youger 'en that anyways
Sir Stinkalot
22nd April 2005, 11:50 PM
Eddie on Friday night football .....
All of the stupid graphics on Friday night football .....
Billy Brownless.
23rd April 2005, 12:45 AM
Now your for it squizzy.
Al :D
She hid them Al honest!!:rolleyes:
Cheers (being beaten around)
23rd April 2005, 12:55 AM
-Cat’s hair everywhere
-Cat’s vomits on the stairs
-Cat’s poo on the floor
-Cat scratches all the cedar doors
-Cat food stink the whole house
-Everyone else in the family love the cat
-Cats just being cats
Wongo, If it aint a Cat its a Dog, here's a pick of my pussy.:D
gold leader
23rd April 2005, 02:45 AM
People who park in bus stops
People who park too close to bus stops
People who don't give way to buses when required
People who cut in front of buses before a red light, thinking they stop as easy
Those who don't indicate when changing lanes (Hit one yesterday, reckons its my fault he hit the bus coz his lane was ending, and "common sense" says I should have given way)
'P' platers in performance cars. You aren't skilled enough yet boys, no matter what you think.
Cars in the bus lane
Those who ignore that big sign that says "Do not overtake turning vehicle". I'm gonna get you one day. It's happened before
Pensioners that whine if I don't wait till they sit down before driving off, but then shuffle all the way to the back row
When I run out of 20c pieces
I'm sure theres heaps more, but that about covers it for now
23rd April 2005, 12:13 PM
Emptying the dishwasher and finding a dead cockroach in the bottom stariner. :eek: :(
E. maculata
23rd April 2005, 07:23 PM
Now I shall add Spiders, esp the mongrel little white striped orb that bit me this arvo while pruning a fiddlewood. Pessing me right orf as my finger is still throbbing. :(
24th April 2005, 05:52 PM
plenty around until I decided to take some photos of them
Now I can't even find one of the little blighters.
Suppose I'll have to go looking for a tree scorpion instead!!
24th April 2005, 06:08 PM
When simple, sensible posts are rewarded with raspberries :eek: without any reason given. :mad:
If posts upsets anyone let them have the courage to critcize them in open forum.
25th April 2005, 09:56 AM
Urinating cows and bulls with diahorrea in cattle trucks when following in an open top car (it was 30 years ago but I still remember it).
25th April 2005, 11:03 AM
All the salvagable timber here in tas that gets burned insted of being in my yard to sell to you guys.........
Cheers Tasman
25th April 2005, 11:16 AM
Urinating cows and bulls with diahorrea in cattle trucks when following in an open top car (it was 30 years ago but I still remember it).
Maybe they were on their way to the Knackery and knew it :D :D :D :D :D
25th April 2005, 11:16 AM
Urinating cows and bulls with diahorrea in cattle trucks when following in an open top car (it was 30 years ago but I still remember it).
Thanks for a great laugh Iain.
27th April 2005, 10:46 PM
There is the bit about grumpy OLD MEN. Anyone watch the ABC thing "grumpy old men" OLD is defined as 35 - 50. How the hell can someone who is 35 be OLD??
According to government sources a youth is someone who is less than 26.
In the Sci Film "Logans Run" they kill anyone older than 25, take up too much room or something.
Another thing is "Baby boomers" what age are they meant to be??
27th April 2005, 10:50 PM
G'day Ivor,
Actually it was 30 when they were killed. :D
27th April 2005, 10:55 PM
There is the bit about grumpy OLD MEN. Anyone watch the ABC thing "grumpy old men" OLD is defined as 35 - 50. How the hell can someone who is 35 be OLD??
And the government won't pay Old Age pension till ya hit 65 so less than that cannot be old. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
27th April 2005, 11:33 PM
There is the bit about grumpy OLD MEN. Anyone watch the ABC thing "grumpy old men" OLD is defined as 35 - 50. How the hell can someone who is 35 be OLD??
According to government sources a youth is someone who is less than 26.
In the Sci Film "Logans Run" they kill anyone older than 25, take up too much room or something.
Another thing is "Baby boomers" what age are they meant to be??
There's this bloke 41 called Ivor and he sounds just like a grumpy old man. :D :D :D :D
28th April 2005, 12:09 AM
1. Cat haters
2. Rediculous mobile phone ring tones that sound nothing like the original tune
3. Rediculous mobile phone ring tone commercials
4. Rediculous mobile phones ... full stop !
5. 4WD's that obviosuly aren't ever taken off-road (X5's & Cayennes especially !)
6. People who buy luxury 4WD's just because the rear window is big enough for them to stick each of their childrens private school stickers on and if it's really big they can even fit each friggin' sport the child does too. Get a life !
7. People who treat meat-head professional sports people like gods when 'real'
professional artists & especially musicians (ie. not the Pop Star variety) struggle to stay alive.
8. The fact that if I filled the exhaust pipes of luxury 4WD's up with expanding foam spray in shopping centre carparks that it would be a bad thing ! I just don't get it.
Buy a luxury 4WD and I'll happily 'fix' it before it creates any more 'problems' in this world. I'd love someone to be able to justify one of those to me one day ... hmmmm.
28th April 2005, 01:03 AM
1. Cats(sorry SteveAndBelle im allergic to em!)
2. mobile phone ring tones... mine sounds like a real old ring a ding ding phone!
3. All new gear like moble phones/remote controls that have way 2 smaller buttons, someone should make bloke sized buttons.
4. people who label all car enthuiasts "hoons"
5. People who complain about others who have a reasonable car stereo's, not all of us roam the streets doof doofing to aynoy you.
6. 4x4's that are too clean.
6.5 oversized yanky anything(think F650 as an example), the fact that they call our aussie utes little trucks...
7. People who treat meat-head professional sports people like gods when 'real'
professional artists & especially musicians (ie. not the Pop Star variety) struggle to stay alive.
8. Aussie footballised media... Im sick of it, cant get away from it.(if its that good why are we the only country playing it?)
9. Bills that hide amoungst other assorted papers... then come the red reminders.
10. Crap video games, aust's market needs a good shake up.
11. 75°+ heat at work!
12. Going back to work after a 5mth break, and on light duties/day work having to get up early 5 times a week when your used to 2 times a week(12hr shifty!)and then get only 2 day weekends instead of 4 day :( my WW is takin a hit got no shed time.
29th April 2005, 11:12 PM
I hate people who complain about little annoyances.
And what about people who complain about people complaining about little annoyances...:)
30th April 2005, 08:37 AM
Crappy little Hyundai's
blunt planer blades
cats pissing on everything around the place and wailing all night
Thieving plumbers
Local council
Truckies with no regard for speed limits near our local school
Incompetent committee members (Pony Club, big crap fight coming soon)
Drivers who pass my 4WD with float in tow and then slow down even though i"m sitting on 100kph
Southwark (sp)
Grange Hermitage (can't afford it)
Light Beer, either you want one or you don't
Freeways and no toilets in sight
1st May 2005, 07:19 PM
Routing MDF :(
Freaking dust gets everwhere.
10 minutes routing, 30 minutes cleaning up the dust. :(
1st May 2005, 08:47 PM
My H.P. Designjet 130 printer.
It cost almost 4 grand and is a real love-hate machine.
It can take forever just to get it to accept a sheet of paper.
And if it spits the paper out it takes a long while to go through the whole confounded process all over again and it might spit it out again.
The upper infeed table has a different alignment position to the lower infeed tray so the edges of pictures alter depending on where you insert the paper.
Its too sensitive to paper sizes.
It doesnt like the slightest curve in a piece of paper
It rattles and shakes and takes forever to get going.
If it was a standard size printer I'd beat ***** outa it with a hammer. :mad: :mad:
Pity H.P released a very buggy product. :( :(
But when it does finally print out a picture - magnificent. :) :) :)
1st May 2005, 09:27 PM
People who aren't sure if their car is working properly and have to rev it for hours on end on a Saturday morning. And the fact that they don't believe me when I tell them that it is working and they can safely turn it off.
1st May 2005, 09:32 PM
If it was a standard size printer I'd beat ***** outa it with a hammer. :mad: :mad:
Thats the way. beat the crapouta it, but post some piccys for us.
Al :D
1st May 2005, 09:34 PM
mmmmmm....... time to vent a bit more slpleen.... BEAUTY!
Cats and the morons who let the damned things outside!
Dust on my telescopic sights that spoils my aim when shooting cats!
The racket cats make when you shoot 'em..... and that dingling from their bells as they thrash themselves to a bloody end......
Dogs that won't kill cats! What possible use are they?
Don't mind dogs that chase sheep as they are bigger and slower moving than cats... easier to shoot or run over with the ute!
Bloody stumps that hide in the long grass when you're out dog or cat shooting in the ute!
Tanneries that quibble about tanning cat and dog skins to make new seat covers for the ute!
Blood and guts stuck in the wheel arches.... and the people who complain about its' smell....
Stupid old ladies who squeal and carry on cos you've got their little tiddles hangin' on the roobar.....
1st May 2005, 11:53 PM
Nice one Christopha :) Lucky we don't let our cats outside ... ever !
What's your actual gripe with them anyway ... afraid they might be more intelligent than you think ?
I bet you got off on those loser Sydney kids running over that kitten on the news earlier in the year to then leave it for dead (well, nearly dead) on the railway tracks ... or maybe even the AJ's (yes, the AJ's we pay for out of our taxes) who got busted for animal cruelty in a similar incident.
I can now safely add another 'hate' of mine to the list :
9. Hicks with guns
Have another 'Bundy' mate, the world needs you.
2nd May 2005, 12:51 AM
Only good cat is a dead cat.
2nd May 2005, 08:32 AM
Bloody cats that exercise their conjugal rights under my bedroom window at 3.00am.....................
Bloody Christopha, he lives too far away to do anything about it :D :D :D
2nd May 2005, 10:16 AM
Geez, and I thought I had a problem! :mad:
2nd May 2005, 05:30 PM
Nice one Christopha :) Lucky we don't let our cats outside ... ever !
What's your actual gripe with them anyway ... afraid they might be more intelligent than you think ?
I bet you got off on those loser Sydney kids running over that kitten on the news earlier in the year to then leave it for dead (well, nearly dead) on the railway tracks ... or maybe even the AJ's (yes, the AJ's we pay for out of our taxes) who got busted for animal cruelty in a similar incident.
I can now safely add another 'hate' of mine to the list :
9. Hicks with guns
Have another 'Bundy' mate, the world needs you.
Bundy? Can't stand the crap! A fine red for me... I would think you prefer sipping pink gin or Chardy dear....
The ONLY things my guns come out for are feral cats, feral dogs and feral birds like mynahs. If your cats are kept inside then you are a VERY rare cat owner. I don't hate cats because they are 'cats', I hate what people let them do. Imagine my chardy sipping friend how unpleasant it is to shoot an animal that wants to sit on your lap and purr but if you don't it is going to kill as many of the birds, small animals and reptiles in your environment that it can! People who DON'T hate cats and what they do are becoming an endangered species themselves. I never actually condone cruelty except perhaps to lackwits like you.... and what the hell is an "AJ"... :rolleyes:
Steveanbelle you seem to be a little bit slow on the uptake if you can't 'read' the tongue in the cheek of my cat post..... :p
2nd May 2005, 05:48 PM
Nice one Christopha :) Lucky we don't let our cats outside ... ever !
What's your actual gripe with them anyway ... afraid they might be more intelligent than you think ?
I bet you got off on those loser Sydney kids running over that kitten on the news earlier in the year to then leave it for dead (well, nearly dead) on the railway tracks ... or maybe even the AJ's (yes, the AJ's we pay for out of our taxes) who got busted for animal cruelty in a similar incident.
I can now safely add another 'hate' of mine to the list :
9. Hicks with guns
Have another 'Bundy' mate, the world needs you.
Have to say I'm with you SteveandBelle on this one. Here's another one for the list:
10. S*!t stirrer's that never actually post informative/constructive thread's on this forum and, regurgitated sub-par humor.
2nd May 2005, 06:26 PM
AJ=Army Jerk
GRUNT=Government Reject Unsuitable for Normal Training
FYI, not a shot at our boxer loving friend.
2nd May 2005, 08:06 PM
bit of fun..... don't you hate fun?
2nd May 2005, 08:07 PM
Posted by martrix 1 week ago
Come on fella's, step back, take a few deep breaths and have a look at the big picture. No need to go jumping down peoples throats, especially newbies. Over the last few week's I have noticed a lot of acidic and stinging response's.
10. S*!t stirrer's that never actually post informative/constructive thread's on this forum and, regurgitated sub-par humor.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
2nd May 2005, 09:57 PM
Meaning Tikki?