View Full Version : Best way to seal MDF jigs

8th February 2013, 10:10 AM
I have made some table saw jigs out of MDF, and some with plywood, and I would like to seal them against moisture.

Can anyone please advise the best way to do this eg lacquer, Danish Oil etc?

8th February 2013, 10:26 AM
Rub PVA glue all around the edges, I've used this method for over 20 years and it seems to work fine.

One Suggestion I would offer is that if you use the MDF jigs much, do yourself a favour and, replace then with good quality plywood ones. They will last a lot longer and not be so susceptible to damage.



8th February 2013, 10:50 AM
I wouldn't bother. It is not necessary.

9th February 2013, 10:50 AM
I wouldn't bother. It is not necessary.

Why is that, Wongo? Up here in the tropics it gets pretty wet and very humid, like 100% most mornings this time of year. We got 200 mm of rain in 24 hours last week. Over time, the MDF loses its sharp edge, and the surface can go powdery.

I agree with the comment to make the jigs out of good ply, but that should preferably be sealed too.

10th February 2013, 02:43 PM
I built my CNC machine from MDF and after 5 years it's still going strong - but I wish I had sealed and painted it - more for aesthetic reasons than anything else.

I agree that plywood is a better material but who can afford it? You can make your jigs three times over for what you pay for ply, and that, I think, will see me out...