View Full Version : Windsor cat and Zen cat

21st January 2013, 11:42 AM
Apart from being employed as a part time clothes rack, my underworked Windsor chair has recently been given the Max seal of approval and he spends much of his time on it. Cassie on the other hand loves the wooden block pillow. If only cats had money.

21st January 2013, 11:50 AM
They are the spitting image of two of mine Mick.

21st January 2013, 06:52 PM
Cats own the house.
You just pay the bills.

21st January 2013, 10:30 PM
Dogs have masters, cats have staff :rolleyes:

Our cat 18yrs still no probs medically has us well trained!!

21st January 2013, 11:03 PM
staff? sometimes it feels like slaves. Cassie is 16 and seems to be getting healthier as she gets older, specially since we confined them and she's not eating whatever used upset her.

22nd January 2013, 02:06 PM
Dogs are like telephones - Call and they answer.
Cats are like emails - They take a message and get back to you.