View Full Version : How should I fill these holes....??

30th December 2012, 09:56 PM
I took apart a cabinet I'm restoring, unfortunately some of the vaneer came away when the bottom dropped to the floor (see photo's)... Can anyone lend a helping hand and tell me how to go about filling the holes (what filler to use) and making it all nice and smooth again. The cabinets going to be painted black so I'm not worried at all about what it looks like as long as its smooth and any filler wont drop out.

Many thanks


31st December 2012, 09:56 AM
I would use builders bog,it will cure quickly so you can apply some, sand it,apply more till you get those holes filled,it does not shrink sands well and paints up ok.
Rough up the bottom of the holes to help key the filler(no matter what you use)

31st December 2012, 11:35 AM
I would use builders bog,it will cure quickly so you can apply some, sand it,apply more till you get those holes filled,it does not shrink sands well and paints up ok. Rough up the bottom of the holes to help key the filler(no matter what you use) Hi nrb, I think I'm going to go with this idea. I was going to plastic wood but I think you're idea is much better. thanks again

2nd January 2013, 09:54 AM
Yep - two-part epoxy/ polyester is the go. Although you could get some veneer and glue into place then fill the remaining gaps, so reducing the area needed to be filled and sanded level. Depends on what quality you are after - both would work.